Let's talk about 100%
4 years ago

I need some opinions regarding 100%, please try to give them either as a possible runner of the category or as a viewer of it.

So far I'm conflicted choosing between two options for the category. I want to give emphasis that I don't care that much about the "real" definition, and I care more about what runners and viewers/followers of the category think.

Option A: "True 100%" The idea here is to beat the game 3 times from scratch with an empty memory card and get the Mantorok ending at the end. Pros:

  • It's the most "legit" definition, since you go from having nothing to unlocking the secret ending (and watching it at the end).
  • Even while it's pretty long, the ending cutscenes are in a good spot to take a small break in case you need it.
  • You can show cool stuff for all three alignments of the game.
  • You can get all the autopsies in the game. Cons:
  • It's pretty long, I estimate between 7 and 8 hours.
  • You cannot skip most cutscenes since it's not NG+.
  • You have to beat the game 3 times. It adds variety, but can also just be annoying.

Option B: "One take 100%" Here we would start with a completed file (just like on Any%) and choose not to carry your gameplay information into the next playthrough. This way we can get all the possible autopsies on the allignment. Pros:

  • You can skip all cutscenes, so the gameplay rhythm will feel just as fast as Any%.
  • It shouldn't be a long category, around 2 hours or so.
  • Resets don't hurt that much because you don't have to re-watch all cutscenes. Cons:
  • There's no way to get all the autopsies on just one alignment, so we'll just get all the possible ones.
  • We don't get to show the 3 alignments of the game.
  • There's no Mantorok secret ending before the credits, because we chose not to carry information in order to do the autopsies (this can technically be solved using a special savefile, but that seems weird to me).

Those are the two options I think have the best pros vs cons. There's also a hybrid take of doing 3 playthoughs on NG+ to skip cutscenes. While that allows for faster gameplay, it also means you need to play more than 6 hours non stop, I personally don't like that.

For both options, this is the list of things I'm considering for a 100% run:

  • All runes, including Mantorok.
  • All Codices and Scrolls.
  • All Autopsies (or all possible ones).
  • Enchanted Gladius.
  • (maybe?) Make all the Spells (3, 5 and 7 versions).
BigNoNo tycker om detta

The way I see it, as a viewer and not a runner (for now at least), there's no real justification for Option B other than "more people would want to run it", but people who want a shorter and more straightforward run already have Any% No CS as their entry point. So ultimately it's a question of what current runners prefer. If no one wants to run an 8 hour category (which is perfectly understandable), Option B might be the way to go. But I do think that logically, A has an advantage.


I did a 100% One alignment test run (skippable cutscenes) to add to the discussion. I copy my video description here:

"This is my first attemp of 100% One Alignment (skipping cutscenes and all that).

I had to go back for Pargon Codex on Paul. I also lost 9 or 10 minutes on the Restore for Alex End skip. There's a lot of sub-optimal movement and menus in the run but, on the other hand, I got modified Silver Skip and BG Skip first try, so still solid gameplay.

My criteria for 100% is getting all the things that remain in your pause menu until the end of the game, that is, until the last fight against Pious. This includes:

  • All Runes, including Mantorok.
  • All Codices.
  • All Spell Scrolls.
  • Enchanted Gladius.
  • All possible Autopsies (Trapper, M. Zombie, Zombie, Horror, Bonethief and Guardian for One Alignment).
  • The Mix and Mode options in the inventory.

There's a couple things that I'm still not entirely sure should be included or not, these are:

  • Alex weapons: Normal Gladius, Revolver and Shotgun.
  • Creating every single Spell (level 3, 5 and 7).
  • Having all the Cinematics on the menu.

About the weapons: So far, Gladius and Revolver cannot be avoided on the route. The Shotgun, on the other hand, can be skipped since we finish Pious with the Enchanted Gladius. I'm indifferent to include the Shotgun, since it only takes a couple seconds.

About the Spells: We can beat the game without creating most of the different level spells. This is kind of a grey area, it only adds the bigger circle option in your spells. Creating every single spell is a lot of extra menu, but still not that big of a deal, just pretty annoying.

About the Cinematics: I personally think they shouldn't be mandatory, because the game gives you all the Cinematics of your current alignment once you beat Pious (you'll see all of them in the menu in your next playthrough if you carry the info, even the ones you skipped). Another important note in favor of not requiring them is that is actually impossible to get "The Eternal Darkness Prevails" before finishing the game, since you can't save after getting a Game Over."

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