Warper WRs will be cleared.
6 years ago
United States

As much as I'd like to provide input on how graceless this update was, I'll stay as neutral as possible about it in the OP.

Without sugarcoating it, warper, as a category, will be cleared of records. This is due to a recent Mineplex update that made it so that mid-air warping isn't doable, and that the player teleports to the ground the person they're warping to was last standing on.

For anybody who still cares, that is about the gist of it.

Texas, USA

supremely gay

ALL WARPER RUNS WILL BE ARCHIVED HERE: https://www.speedrun.com/Dragon_Escape/thread/llf16

Redigerad av författaren 6 years ago
H6W tycker om detta
United States

Now, for my individual input on this.

I will now list a couple reasons why I personally think this update was stupid.

  1. Addressing casual players

I assume this update was made for the reason of abuse in public lobbies. However, it is much better as an enforced rule rather than as a full fix. At this point, now that Dragon Escape does not even have its own individual server anymore, the speedrunners have significantly more combined playtime in a ratio compared to average players than ever before. This kind of update was made without regard to speedrunning in any way, shape, or form.

  1. The sheer lateness of it

Even if this is the case, all the potential "damage" that could be done has pretty much already happened. This update was very unnecessarily late not for days, weeks, or even months, but for YEARS. This has been a VERY known exploit in the community for years before this update has been applied onto the server, however, it was decided that the most appropriate time to fix it was right now, right when DE has reached rock bottom in player count/interest.

If the intention was to fix the casual players' experience, this was an abysmal job done in terms of playerbase awareness. However, this is just a conjecture on my part. For all I know, they could've known this the entire time and just did nothing about it.

  1. Pointlessness (this one is a bit more subjective)

My conjecture on the reason for this update is that a bug is being exploited that affects casual gameplay, therefore it was fixed. However, these instances are incredibly rare to see in casual games due to a minute sense of etiquette on speedrunners' part in public games (a trait I haven't seen reciprocated lately) and the fact that this strategy is not easy to perform by an inexperienced player in the first place. Something like this requires full effort to do by a casual player, and it would have been much easier to just enforce a no-exploit rule rather than completely impeding an aspect of speedrunning. (However, I doubt this matters to them anyway.)

These types of events have not helped with the DE community in any way I've ever seen.

Redigerad av författaren 6 years ago
tac23tac23 tycker om detta
Texas, USA

I think they're just doing small tweaks on all games to make them less shit for players. But the reason why it's a bad idea here is that the DE community and it only plays this now, and that's rarely.

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