Postad 1 year ago av

Hey everyone! A New WAD dropped recently called The Trooper's Playground!

Leaderboard has opened as of today for all 9 levels, plus full game. Have fun and happy Dooming! (:

Screenshot from the latest free Add-on for DOOM and DOOMII: The Troopers' Playground featuring a modified bright green Zombie Soldier.

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Postad 1 year ago av


Hey everyone! Now, I know I said in the last PUR post that there wouldn't be any updates to the WAD. As much as I wanted that to be the truth, it ended up needing another update.

We came across a few cosmetic bugs and such that couldn't be ignored, so we fixed them all, and added in and end-game map as well! Happy Dooming! (:


Project: Unity Redux is 11 Maps pulled from Project: Unity, redone to be longer, and much more fun than their original counterparts, from new areas to explore and some existing areas expanded! No story was added to the WAD this time around, as I wanted to put more focus on the levels than worrying about story.. Besides, it's Doom...who needs a story when you have demons to kill?


Playtesters: Depr4vity Alexo670 Jrmhd91 Spec Chival Arsinikk SiMusicGH3 Console Doom Discord Community (public test wad)

See txt file included with the WAD for more credits!


Google Drive: <-- Most updated, use this version for speedrunning

IDgames: <-- Older version with a Tuti-Fruiti effect in map 1. Can use this version too, but may crash.

No existing runs will be affected by the changes made.







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Postad 1 year ago av

Hello there fellow Doomers! We have now opened the leaderboards for full game, episodes, all levels categories, and IL's for Base Ganymede!

Happy Dooming everyone and stay safe! :)

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Postad 2 years ago av

Project: Unity Redux is now available!

First things first.. Happy New years everyone! Stay safe and here's to 2023!

11 Maps pulled from Project: Unity, redone to be longer, and much more fun than their original counterparts.

This time around, the WAD is complete. No more edits, no more updates. Good to go. I took my time with this WAD to make sure I get everything right. Hopefully I did lol.

About the WAD

Project: Unity Redux is 11 Maps pulled from Project: Unity, redone to be longer, and much more fun than their original counterparts, from new areas to explore and some existing areas expanded! No story was added to the WAD this time around, as I wanted to put more focus on the levels than worrying about story..besides, it's Doom...who needs a story when you have demons to kill?


Playtesters: Depr4vity Alexo670 Jrmhd91 Spec Chival Arsinikk SiMusicGH3 Console Doom Discord Community (public test wad)

See txt file included with the WAD for more credits!

Download Links:

Google Drive:

IDgames: Coming Soon...


All IL's and full game categories will be available to run as of today! Happy Dooming :)

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Postad 2 years ago av

Another WAD has been dropped onto the port :D This one is Harmony, a 13 map total conversion witrh new weapons, sprites, and more. Leaderboard has been open for a few days or so now, I just forgot to update here..

Happy Dooming :)

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Postad 2 years ago av

Anomaly Report leaderboard is now active!

We have added in episodes for it as well. Maps 1-10 being E1, 11-20 being E2 and so on. Doing it this way will allow people to get into running the WAD easier by not having to focus on 30 maps right out the gate. IL's for the WAD have also been added for all 32 maps. Pretty good map set so far, go give it a try if you haven't already!

Happy Dooming :)

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Postad 3 years ago av

We have an announcement to make in regards to running IL's on UV or higher.

We have discovered that in the load menu, your save shows the information needed for verification. With that in mind, we have allowed for people to start their IL's via a death save, loaded from the pause menu (excluding the quick save).

To do this, simply load the desired map on the desired difficulty of UV or higher, die in the map. Pause, save, then click on the ? to show the save information, click back, click load, and load your death save. (Join our Discord and refer to the video attached to this link for reference -

You may start runs on UV or higher using this method, or loading from the level selection in the main menu.

If you choose to do this method, keep in mind that ALL menu's MUST be in the video and be clear.

Note - This does NOT apply to the Nightmare difficulty, as there is a bug that disables fast pinkies when loading a save on that difficulty.

Happy Dooming ?

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Senaste nyheterna
Leaderboard now open for The Trooper's Playground (New Add-on for Unity!)

Hey everyone! A New WAD dropped recently called The Trooper's Playground!

Leaderboard has opened as of today for all 9 levels, plus full game. Have fun and happy Dooming! (:


1 year ago