DMC3 Inputs Thing & DMC3 Tools are banned
1 year ago

From now on, the mod that allows the use of a modified Direct Input file that among other things has Style Switcher and damage/hitbox display is banned as it causes an unwanted change in the way the video file cutscenes are played. The cutscenes get automatically skipped and usually faster than normal. The mod in question:

The DMC3 Tools also includes this and to make things simple it is also banned:

Clarification: The standalone music player by hies is allowed, found here:

Redigerad av författaren 1 year ago
Bethalize tycker om detta

Does it also happen on the Inputs Thing v1.02-ui?


I don't know, I haven't used it.

ProjectXsent tycker om detta

Honestly at this point, regardless of the input version just avoid it. This port caused us enough trouble already. Have 2 separate Installation one for practice tools with input and other is for live attempt runs with just fresh 2.4.3 or 3.1.6. install from the nexus mod.

ProjectXsent tycker om detta