Are the sewers possible without crouching?
2 months ago
United States

Hi, I'm new here, and looking for someone with more knowledge on the ins and outs of this game than me. I had the idea a while back to do a challenge run of beating the game as a non-lethal ghost without ever sneaking, and then doing the same in Dishonored 2, ideally on very hard so that it's actually a challenge. I finished the run but it never felt quite right because of the mandatory crouch in the sewers to get under that small ceiling right at the start. That's what led me here, I started experimenting with the speedrun techniques and sewer skip in particular, but hit a wall (literally) in the room where Corvo gets his weapons.

I watched the speedrun guide, but the tech described to get past the wall requires a crouch, so now I'm wondering: Is it possible to perform this tech without a crouch, or is it possible to clip back in bounds before that part of the mission? I've not had success finding either of those things myself so I figured I'd take a shot and ask the experts. I appreciate any information, even if it's just confirmation that crouchless is impossible.

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