Beat Magus Glitchless category
Hi, im really new to speedruns and i love ct so much so i started with it.
I started learning the beat magus category, but i had more fun doing it glitchless and i started thinking if is worth to create the Beat Magus Glitchless category. Any thoughts?
Tepedino och Hiuruki_Andre gillar detta
I spoke with Plaabo and Xan about it not too long ago. I feel this category would be quite welcoming for people that love CT but are worried about a 6h run or learning quite a few glitches
From my part, if such category existed, I would have started much sooner
plaabo och Hiuruki_Andre gillar detta
Greetings. I'm pleased to announce this is now a category. You can now find it under "misc" where the other magus category is.
plaabo och AzraelHobbes gillar detta
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