Emulation help
8 months ago
United States

Hey everyone! I'm brand new to the speedrunning community, and wanted to do Cali Speed for my first run, but I'm having some issues with my emulator.

I'm using the Project64 emulator, but after trying a couple different roms for this game it just wouldn't load into the race. I can hear engine noise and rev my engine, but it just wouldn't load fully. Is there any fix to this?

Illinois, USA

Not sure how to solve the issue, but I got my emulator from the official Project64 site and the rom from WowRoms and it works for me. The only thing I can think of is to try redownloading the emulator (or an older version of Project64), but i’m not an expert.

MercyGaming39 tycker om detta
United States

Thank you Oyin, I got it to work. I think I just downloaded the wrong Project64 version

Oyin tycker om detta
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Nivå: Santa Cruz
Nivå: Central Valley
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Nivå: Highway 1
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