Main Rules
- All runs must have game audio
- Runs must be performed on the current patch of the game
- Runs must be performed on a vanilla version of the game with no modifications
- You must show the creation of the campaign, including difficulty selection
- You must show the IGT listed on your campaign after the run is completed
- Timing is done through the In-Game Timer (IGT)
Prequel Campaign 100% (Hard)
Complete the prequel campaign + all secret maps (10 total) on the Hard difficulty.
Any skills you can unlock are allowed
Reload Abuse to skip dialog and enemy turns has been banned after discovering an advantage on faster internet connections. If you need to reload to fix a bug or other issue, please timestamp the reload in the run description for moderator review
Prequel Campaign 100% (Hard)
To complete this category you must complete the prequel campaign + all secret maps (10 total) on the Hard difficulty.
Here is a community-made Tutorial Campaign to help you get started!
Good luck!
Utmaningar är tidsbegränsade speedrunning-tävlingar.
De fungerar mycket likt vanliga topplistor, förutom att det bara tillåts inskick av körningar under en bestämd tidsram.
Utmaningar kan ha unika teman, regler eller mål som skiljer sig från de vanliga kategorierna. De ger möjlighet att utforska olika aspekter av ett spel eller att fira specifika händelser, upptäckter eller gemenskapens milstolpar.
Vad är en tävling?
Tävlingar är speciella utmaningar som arrangeras av teamet på som kan erbjuda prispengar och andra förmåner.