Can i play on Dsi?
2 years ago
Richmond, VA, USA

Rules mention the requirement of playing the freeware Japanese version of the game. I can do that through the nintendo DSI (Different from the DSIware port from NICALIS) if i submit a run via DSI would it be accepted?

United States

In general, we don't accept runs of unofficial ports/releases of the game. If you want to play on your DSi, feel free to run the DSi version by Nicalis and submit that to the Cave Story+ leaderboard (

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Now allowed: Auto text advance, other QoL patches, Wine runs

Hi all, we've decided to implement a few new rule changes. Refer to the updated for full details.

We are allowing the use of a select number of quality-of-life patches:

  • A patch to kee
2 months ago
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