Potentially Game-Breaking Glitch - Feedback Needed
2 years ago
United States

Awhile back, I discovered a glitch wherein I removed the cloud ability from 2-3 using the level editor (). I've since come to the realization this could potentially be used to give or take abilities in any room in the game, potentially multiple rooms at once. I wanted to get some feedback on whether this would be too game-breaking to be allowed, especially since it involves manipulating the game outside of normal play. Of course this assumes it saves time like I think it will. My personal take is to allow it since everything is done in-game, and it's not unlike other games' menu strats like Portal 2's SLA or title screen RNG manip in SMB1 (and many others I'm forgetting or unaware of) that are allowed. However, I wanted to get others' opinions first before trying to implement it.

United States

After some testing, this glitch no longer works to the extent it did and therefore cannot be used to save time.


I have recently encountered a very similar glitch in 2-8, in wich I also somehow managed to remove the cloud abilitiy, tho I do not have it recorded and I unfortunately couldn't replicate. It also changed the color of the floor and only went away once I restarted the game. I'm sorry that I don't have any footage of it, but I hope this will be useful in any way.

United States

If you were messing with the level editor at all, it was the exact same glitch. I made a follow-up video on it, but in short it only removes abilities and changes the theme to World 1.

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