Barbie Riding Club Speedrunning Guide
Barbie Riding Club Speedrunning Guide
Uppdaterad 1 year ago av 7th_circle_of_elle

Welcome to the official speedrunning guide for Barbie Riding Club!

The opening cinematic is optional and not included in your time. We all need a little nostalgia from time to time, I get it. You can also take your time naming your horse. Theywill be your only companion, after all.

Each speedrun must begin with a new game to qualify. If the Barbie pager rings, ignore it. We're here to ride horses, not help people.

Your time starts immediately upon clicking "OK" after naming your horse.

Press Enter to Jump

Press Space to Stop/Look at Taskbar

Press Up Arrow to Gallop (Run)

Before you can begin on the meat of your horsey adventure, Barbie will attempt to strongarm you into a riding lesson, but we do NOT consent to that.

Click on your first Nature or Story Mission. Barbie will start the tutorial but you can immediately stop (spacebar) and navigate to your desired location from the minimap.

Story Missions

Mailbox on Rabbit Run-

  1. Go to the mailbox on Rabbit Run.

  2. Stop the horse and retrieve the letter from the mailbox. You don't need to listen to Barbie read it - put it in your bag and head to Apple Alley.

  3. Stop your horse at the tree with the owl in it. After clicking the owl out of the tree, grab the note from inside the tree and put it in your bag.

  4. Head to Turtle Rock Run.

  5. Stop your horse after the first big curve by the sea - Barbie will think she's so smart and point out that there's a shiny thing there as if a moth couldn't have done what she just did.

Something shiny on the bridge (lily pad game)-

  1. Go to Old Bridge Path and stop on the bridge. There is a frog with a gold coin in its mouth. Click the frog to begin the mini game.

  2. The point is to jump one frog over another so that the jumped-over frog jumps into the water. You're clearing a path for the frog with the gold coin to get to the top of the pyramid. However:

  • the frog positions are RNG - it's entirely possible to get an unsolvable puzzle, so if you're going to fail, fail fast

  • frogs cannot jump backwards

  • you can't jump to a directly adjacent lily pad, even if it's empty UNLESS it's the top lily pad

One more note, if you need to restart, click on Barbie - DON'T exit all the way out and re-click the frog, you'll burn time.

  1. Follow the frog rules until you get the frog coin and then put it in your bag and head back to the stable.
  2. The image below is the best pattern, since you only have to hop over two frogs

Hoofprints on Apple Alley-

  1. Go to Apple Alley. After the stream, Barbie will prompt you to stop for the hoofprints. Long story short, go to Turtle Rock.

  2. Right around Turtle Rock, you'll see more hoofprints. Stop to check out the Mystery Horse.

Key on Rabbit Run-

  1. Go to Shortcut to Rabbit Run.

  2. Barbie will prompt you to stop at a bush with something sparkly in it; that's the key (duh.)

  3. Click the key and head down the path to the cottage.

  4. B&E the cottage and steal their nice saddle out of the chest.

  5. Back to the stable before they catch and hang you, you criminal.

Apple sorting game-

  1. Go to Apple Alley.

  2. Don't jump over the barrels of apples - stop the horse just before them. Barbie will prompt you, as she does.

  3. Click the sorter to start the game. You basically just flip the flippers so the apples end up in the right barrel. It's not rocket science.

  4. When you finish the game (three of each color in each barrel), back to the stable for your next mission.

Broken fence on Rabbit Run-

  1. Go to Rabbit Run.

  2. Ride until the broken fence, then direct your horse into the unknown.

  3. Stop at the well. Pick up the handle off the ground and pull up the water pail to find a note in a bottle.

  4. Head back to the stable for the next mission.

Old bell-

  1. Go to Old Bridge Path and stop at the bell. Click the bellstand to begin the mini game.

  2. In this order: grab the yoke from the tree and put it on the stand. Grab the bell from the ground near the stand. Put it on the stand. Pick up the rope from the grass on the other side of Barbie. Guess what? On the stand.

  3. Ring the bell (or the mission doesn't finish.)

  4. Once the Mystery Horse shows up, you're free to go back to the stable.

Rainbow Falls-

  1. Go to Rainbow Falls.

  2. Stop the horse where the rainbow ends.

  3. Click the flower trellis to begin the mini game.

  4. Click the flowers in the color order of a rainbow - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo (darker purple), violet (lighter purple.)

  5. Steal the horseshoe and go back to the stable.

Nature Certificates

Nature Collection. Find and take photos of the following. Don't forget to put the photos in your bag.

  • Roses - Apple Alley, after the stream

  • Tulips - Old Bridge Path, over the bridge

  • Daisies - Rainbow Falls, past the rainbow, just after jumping over some rocks

Wildlife Collection. Find and take photos of the following. Don't forget to put the photos in your bag.

  • Owl - Apple Alley, first tree

  • Hawk - Rabbit Run, near broken fence

  • Bluebird - Turtle Rock Run, halfway between trail start and Turtle Rock

Photo of a Rainbow -

  • Rainbow Falls, take a photo of the rainbow. Doesn't forget to put the photos in your bag.

Trail Completions -

I used to think that the most efficient way to do this was to stop at the end loading points and then fast travel back to the other trails I had missed. Now I know that if you start at Turtle Rock Run, you can run every trail without having to stop except for Old Bridge Path.


  1. Go to Shortcut to Rabbit Run and enter the House Area
  2. Click on the windmill to trigger the cutscene

Time ends on the first frame of the final Cutscene

Your run is complete and you may officially end your video after going back to the stable a final time and proving that all nature certificates and story missions are complete.

Senaste nyheterna
We've been added to the Barbie series on!

Hear ye, hear ye, BRC trailblazers. Per the magnificent current WR holder's request to get the game added to the series, we are successful on that front as of a month ago. Feed your Desktop Horse an apple in celebration.