1.0 V 1.3
2 years ago
North Carolina, USA

Hello, I'm a newer speedrunner and I've recently started running ACT I of B4B. I've been cutting my pb time down so I wanted to look into the official runs to see how I compare and hopefully be able to post my own run soon but I'm a little confused on the differences between the 1.0 & 1.3 category and as to which category I'd be currently running because I honestly just boot up the game and start runs lol. I'm not very knowledgeable on the specifics and any help would be greatly appreciated! Another reason I was a little confused is because I originally bought the game digitally for Xbox One but it was old and broke so I bought my pc so I assumed it would be PC Category runs since I'm on PC with m&k but I didn't know if it being through Microsoft Store like that would affect anything with the labeling since the game runs through my Microsoft account.


1.0 is a category for the base game. To have access, you will need to downpatch the game. There's a tutorial for it in the guides tab of B4B's SRC. In whatever case, if you're a new runner and are playing the game straight after booting it up, it will NOT be 1.0.

CynosaVoid tycker om detta
California, USA

As for your platform question, It's totally fine if you are using the Microsoft store or gamepass versions! However, due to the infrastructure of the Xbox app and Microsoft Store, you will not be able to downpatch to 1.0. If you are interested at all in 1.0 runs, the steam version is all but required by default at this point!

CynosaVoid tycker om detta
North Carolina, USA

Awesome, thanks everyone. I appreciate the help

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