Voting to split the leaderboards for Any%
4 years ago
Alberta, Canada

This will be a vote to allow the community to decide what will happen with the leaderboard. We have thrown the idea back and forth, and acted on it once to make Garuda on its own section to the leaderboard to allow for more fair Any% runs.

But as of now, we have again an option to listen to the community to decide what will go down, so for 2 weeks we will allow voting via this forum page, and if you do not have a SRC account and wish to get a vote in, please message a @moderator on Discord and let them know what to post on your behalf.

As of right now, many of the mods are confused cause we all ruled out that Garuda was this OP. same time, its the game, so how can you stop the game being nice (for once) So this is what we have come up with.

But please keep this to a supporting argument and a vote, if need be we can open up another forum to allow discussion. of course, please keep things civil.

The options for voting are Yay/Yes - to split the leaderboard Nay/No - To keep the leaderboard whole N/A - To vote, but not on either side.

So for example for a post in supporting

Yes for splitting the leaderboard

again, if you want to list reasons why not, we can make a forum post for discussion, but I mainly want to see why people support their vote and it keeps it easier for counting the votes for/against for us.

Voting will be for 2 weeks, after which we will go with what the community decides. (:

Also, even if you are a viewer of tournaments, your able to vote (if you don't want to make an account again just message a mod) all votes matter, and you should feel like your voice is heard. I always want this community to be community driven.

With that said, polls will close 3:30 PM EST on August 11th.

Kentucky, USA


I want to touch on "the mods ruled out that Garuda was this OP". The game is for sure already RNG heavy, and getting a garuda definitely doesn't guarantee a sub-30min run even, i know first-hand. I like to look at it this way though... what is your average clear time for a floor going to look like with garuda and without garuda. I know from my own runs that the clear time is on average quicker. We are all still dependent on the seed and RNG, but garuda even alleviates the idea that other pickups are all that important, that you could actually start saving time by ignoring ball and scroll pickups as you have your get-out-of-jail right behind you. I feel it simply changes runs so much that it should be its own category.

Alberta, Canada

I'll say no.

Mostly cause I believe this is the leaderboard for that run. It was a any% run where Wugga got the perfect RNG. It is what it is to me, and I think it shows off any% perfectly.



My hope is this will encourage more runs, and if not, the change is not irreversible.

British Columbia, Canada

I am voting yes.

  • To keep competitiveness in the category.
  • To decrease any chance of someone watching the WR run and say, oh my god I'm not going to attemp.
  • To avoid burnout for runners that do want to continue to grind the Any% category, NME is a viable and more, repeatable run so to speak.


  • I believe the correct time for splitting a category should be after major issues have developed, not before.
  • The reasoning behind the original split was because people speculated that people would stop running the category otherwise. However I see no empirical evidence of that happening, after uniting the categories people were still running it. Has any runner actually stated they no longer want to run due to Garuda?
  • We have a wide variety of categories now that people can switch to if they prefer, so it doesn't really matter if some people don't want to run Any%. It's not like AD speedrunning will die. I don't really run Any% myself.
  • Garuda is a big boost, but I'm not convinced it is completely OP. Every time I get it I die or lose Garuda, and you can also get good RNG with elevators that theoretically would outperform Garuda.
  • Split categories gets a bit confusing, especially having to submit your run to both each time.
Redigerad av författaren 4 years ago
Minnesota, USA


There is a lot of reasons I support this, and was against the merge in a first place, and will have a longer write up in the discord.


Yes to split the categories.

This past week I've been thinking about this decision more in terms of it being one of creating a new category to run instead of just splitting the categories. Wuggah's incredible 24:00 is still the undisputed Any% record, but this is simply the creation of an Any% NME/Grounded/No Abduct category that can be run without the use of Garuda. I'm reminded of the First@ categories and the split in NG+ and I think those divisions have largely been successful in giving people goals to accomplish and this idea of an Any% split seems in tune with that. I was originally in favor of merging the categories back together because Garuda was not needed to compete (or even the best strategy to do so) and it seemed unnecessary to have a split with how much better our strategies had improved, but I was mistaken. Now to compete with the Any% record you would almost surely need to devise a grinding strategy for a Garuda (a familiar that drastically alters the playstyle of the run). If a skip or some other technique was developed (like perhaps a way was found to use a hatched Balloon to fly you to 40) we would split the category without a doubt because the game is so different.

If the categories are split I would also push for a renaming of Any%/Any% NME and NG+/NG+ NME to something simpler such as Any%/Any% No Abduct/Fly and NG+/NG+ No Abduct/Fly. I've seen people before be confused about what the No Major Exploits refers to, especially since in those categories we allow things such as duping or glitched entry.

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