Preventing Weird Knockback Firstly, an important concept when playing as the Nerd
Usually, getting hit will change your momentum, as it should.
However, if the Nerd is facing diagonally, this is not the case.
Mike Without Guitar Guy
In Dungeons and Dickholes, at the very beginning of the level, there is a ladder down to "certain death".
However, if you fall down to the bottom left of this screen and continue to hug the wall, you will fall to the room Mike is obtained in.
Mike Skip in Thy Farts Consumed
Early on in Thy Farts Consumed, there is a 3 tall death block tower. Jump over it with Mike, go to the far right of the screen. Then, swing his weapon while holding up or down to snap onto a ladder on the other side of the wall, skipping most of the level. This works in ladders in other areas and stages, but aren't useful.
Mike Skip in Blizzard of Balls
Near the midway point in Blizzard of Balls, there is a pillar too tall for even mike to jump over. That is, unless you use the snowball shooter to boost over. This skips around a quarter of the level.
Super Mecha Death Christ(SMDC) on Future Fuckballs boss
There is a SMDC powerup shortly before the surfboard section of Future Fuckballs. If you save it, you can almost instantly defeat the first phase of the boss. Make sure to avoid the keg at the checkpoint.
Beat it and Eat it Skip
After getting BS man, drop down to the checkpoint area and take the leap of faith, bouncing off of the witch below in order to land at another checkpoint. This skips almost all of the last third of this level.