Installing Star Trek Armada on Windows 10 (CD/ISO Copy)
Installing Star Trek Armada on Windows 10 (CD/ISO Copy)
Uppdaterad 2 years ago av BillShamrock

PLEASE NOTE Star Trek Armada is available on GOG. If you do own a physical copy and do not wish to go through this process, I recommend just re-buying the game on GOG.

Here is a link to a visual guide along with more information on the Star Trek Armada Map Editor.

If you do not wish to follow the visual guide you may follow the steps below.

STEP1: Installing Star Trek Armada

When installing Star Trek Armada on Windows 10 it’s not as straight forward as one may seem.

  1. First, we must mount the ISO/BSA.

  2. We can mount the ISO/BSA with either windows 10 itself if it is an ISO or by using Power ISO

  3. Right click on the drive itself that Armada has been mounted to and select open

  4. Then double click the set-up folder

  5. We should now be in the initial setup folder for Star Trek Armada, we need to Run the Setup as Admin, Right click on the setup.exe and select Run as Administrator

6.Install Star Trek Armada to whichever directory you wish, now that if you wish to change the directory to another drive please use the following location path with the X being which drive you wish ST armada to be. X:\Activision\StarTrek–Armada

STEP2: Patching Star Trek Armada

1.After the installation process please Install both patches 1.2 and 1.3

You can get patch 1.2 under the recourses tab. Patch 1.3 is available with the link provided below.

***NOTE: The GOG Versions of the game run on Patch 1.2 Please advise the moderator before attempting any runs on version 1.3

STEP 3: Installing dgVoodoo *NOTE: Being that dgVoodoo is a thirdparty software updates may cause changes to the U.I and or how it may affect working with Star Trek Armada

  1. After installing both patches, we are going to need dgVoodoo which can be obtained from the internet please note that the settings below pertain to Version 2.53 of dgVoodoo and later versions may not produce the same result.

2.After dgVoodoo is downloaded we are going get a compressed file with a folder in it ladled MS and 3Dfx, The .DLL files and the napalm folder along with the actual dgVoodoosetup.exe need to get transferred to the main directory of the Star Trek Armada installation

for example X:\Activision\Star Trek–Armada X being the drive you initially installed the game to.

D3D8.dll D3Dlmm .dll DDRaw.dll dgVoodooSetup.exe Glide.dll Glidex3.dll Glidex4.dll Napalm All of these need to get transferred to the main directory of Sar Trek Armada.

3.Once transferred over we need to make sure dgVoodoo has these settings GENERAL: Output API: Direct3D 11 Ft lvl 10.1 Adapters: all of them Full screen output: Default Appearance: Windowed screeched Misc: Keep windows aspect ratio (checked)

GLIDE: 3Dfx card: Voodoo 2 (8mb/128,2TMUs - Onboard Ram: 8mb Texturing: Memory size 4096kb - Number of TMUS: 2
Resolution: Unforced MSAA: App driven Misc: Enable glide gamma ramp (checked) - Force Vsync: (checked)

DIRECTX Videocard: dgVoodoo Virtual 3D Accelerated Card - VRAM: 128mb Resolution: Unforced Behavior: Application controlled fullscreen (checked) - MSAA: 8x Misc: Bilinear bit stretch (checked)

  1. Once all of the criteria have been met Launch the Armada.exe from the main directory


Upon launching Star Trek Armada, it should load the initial Activision launch video. Once finished or if skipped you will begreeted by the Armada main menu, however it will not look the way Armada should, it will not be full screen and the .gif files that play in the menu will not be active, however the menu will be fully active Once on the main menu the game should be 100% fully functional, you can change the game resolution to fit your current Monitor resolution. *NOTE: The in-game menus will NEVER fullscreen but will be fully operational, to fullscreen once in-game hit Alt-Enter
