This was fun to run. i spent WAY too long trying to beat Thadortin's time the regular way (before i figured out a new trick) until i eventually matched his 3:13 (timer) but tie is lame so kept going...
new strat
while trying to beat his time i noticed during a random run that the trees have delay between spawning and actually moving / path-blocking so i restarted and tried to run through the trees with my dwarves and YUP, it worked. ran it around 14 times to get the best ran i could and improved it from 3:11 on timer, to 3:09 on timer, to 3:08 on timer, twice, and then this amazing run with 3:05 on timer :D
not sure if running through ALL of them is possible - usually you have to kill 2, this run was the only one ive managed where only 1 blocked me, thats why the great time
Mod note : Retimed to 2:29. Timer starts at 0:36 and ends at 3:05