Full Game Run Timing
6 months ago

Played some full game run, here's how I timed them :

  • Timer start at the same time of level 1 timer, after kicking the first door (best way to easily time the start of a run)
  • Beat every non-skippable levels in order
  • Here's where there's leeway, we either stop the timer when the last level is complete (5-4 The Last Kick) or we play The Crime Minister scene, kick the hell out of him (it's the canon ending, fight me) and end the timer the instant you hit the ground and the screen goes black.

I quite like this last one. Looking for the fade to black is gonna be a real easy way to perfectly time runs , plus we get to have the end of the game. Which does make senses when the goal of speedrunning is getting to the end.

I'll update the rules of full game runs in a week, in case someone would like to suggest another way.

Shikikairi tycker om detta
Languedoc-Roussillon, France


For the finish, I like the idea of ending with the minister :)

For the beginning, I'm more in favor of starting the timer when you start the new save.

I find it more coherent, even if the difference isn't significant.

But I'm happy with either option. :)


Rules and Full Game categories are now updated. Timer now starts when starting a new save on new game runs, and when kicking down 1-1's first door for NG+ runs.