Hey ya'll. This will be a knowledge resource of how to deal with these apes. This is not a full guide, but a supplement to use while learning. Only some of the more troublesome monkeys are mentioned. Props to everyone that plays this game, because everyone contributes.
Table of Contents:
I. General things to know II. Level-by-level III. o[8(|)
Monkeys can dodge your swings. They'll only do so if they see you (red light) and are looking at you. Note that they can't dodge you if you are airborne!
Switch to another gadget after catching a monkey to eliminate the recovery frames from your swing!
Catch the last monkey as close to the ground as possible. There's slow-mo for the final catch, and the level doesn't end until you hit the ground.
You're invincible during the catching animation, and shortly afterwards. You are NOT invincible during the initial net swing!
[center]Using gadgets as weapons[/center]
Stun club momentarily locks a monkey in place, allowing for easier catches. It knocks down if the monkey was in the middle of attacking. It also does the most damage aside from explosive pellets and magic punch.
Boost Hoop knocks down monkeys, allowing for 100% free catches.
Slingshot pellets vary. Normal and homing pellets do not knock down, but explosives do. Use explosives on bosses to win faster!
RC car stuns monkeys for longer than a stun club hit.
Sky Flier has the same effects as the stun club. It's just harder to hit with, and does less damage.
Water cannon stuns monkeys for as long as you're willing to hose them.
(NG+ only) Magic Punch is a guaranteed knockdown like the hoop and explosive pellets. This does the most damage, period.
[center]Camera[/center] Point it downwards a lot with the dpad to avoid slowdown. There will never be a VC version of this game so learn to do this!
L1 Sets the camera behind you. Mash it and other buttons during downtime to trigger youtube goers
[center]Liberty Island[/center] For the last catch, dive onto the higher area rather than jumping up to avoid the monkey seeing you.
To land on the platform with him after the catch, swing at the same time as your double jump to get increased height.
[center]Breezy Village[/center] When you break boxes, their hitboxes stick around for a good while. Delay your net swing for a bit to avoid missing monkey catches.
[center]Port Calm[/center]
For the catch under the bridge, follow the way the corner is pointing with your jump
Wait a bit, then double jump+swing to the left.
[center]Viva Apespania[/center] To ensure you quickly get the first monkey, try to charge your hoop before moving forward.
If the blue monkey is near the matador, congrats, you just saved time! Catch both it and the matador, then finish with the yellow up top.
[center]Blue Monkey[/center] Make sure you do this fight exactly like in runs. Blue's actions are directly based on your positioning. He slows down or turns away if he's close to you.
[center]Castle Frightmare[/center] If you get blocked by a knight monkey, jump over them and hit 'em from the other side while mid-air.
[center]Vita-Z Factory[/center] Bouncing off the wall for the skip is faster because you can fly farther. Doing a long jump over without bouncing will still get you across.
For the 2nd & 3rd hits of the mech fight you can swing as soon as the explosion he makes with his hands has disappeared and you will hit him as soon as his invulnerability wears off.
[center]Casino City[/center] Jump+swing to catch the dancing monkeys faster
The monkey being held by the bird can only be hit if it's on screen.
The tightrope monkey has the same movement every time. Air walk near the center of the spotlight to line yourself up properly.
[center]Ninja Hideout[/center] Since you have the RC car out anyway, use it to stun the monkey near the switch for an easy catch... assuming he's not hiding in a corner.
If you're fast enough, you can use the invincibility while catching to your advantage. Things thrown by monkeys won't hurt you!
[center]Yellow Monkey[/center] Break Yellow's dance by either spinning on the ground or doing a mid-air ground pound by pressing L3.
[center]Snowball Mountain[/center] The monkeys in the second area, the one with the ski monkeys, only start moving once the room loads. There are two consistently good approaches: Rush to the top and get the monkeys before they can run away Wait for them to come to you
In general, get every monkey besides the light blue (slow) ones first. If you let any get away, you'll lose a lot of time catching up.
[center]Lookout Valley[/center] If you're playing on Japanese, switching to the Sky Flier gadget saves a second or two throughout this stage. Use it when moving up small distances. When leaving the water in the cave, you can boost jump instead.
Remember to knock the hanging monkey down before catching. The fall during slow-mo here is killer.
[center]The Blue Baboon[/center] You can catch the shell monkey before it hides away. Just gotta be quick. If you mess up, either bait it out with the bananarang or reload the room.
For an easier UFO catch, try to charge up the hoop somewhere on the platform where you can't be seen. You'll outrun the ape
[center]Pink Monkey[/center] Bombs blow up platforms, and swimming is slower than jumping/diving across. Hit the bombs to avoid getting wet. Don't get blown back by the speakers. They send you really far back. There's a safe spot that's farther ahead than you get blown to.
[center]Enter the Monkey[/center] Something different to note about the start of this stage is that it's more beneficial to face the camera up instead of down when teleporting in.
The start of this stage can be hectic due to the 7 monkeys right at the start. A consistent and safe setup I like to go for is to go for the light blue monkey first, then the two reds as they will both come to you, then the yellow in the top right as he likes to linger a bit before running away. After this the rest of the monkeys run to the top left corner, allowing you to catch all 7 at the start. If one monkey runs too far away, you can always come back for it later when you enter the area again later in the stage.
When going through the gauntlet area underground it's a good idea to make use of the neutral boost hoop ability as there are a lot of bumps in the ground that will stop and start your hoop if started up while walking.
Jumping from the crack highlighted with the red circle will ensure that this speedy saru doesn't notice you, allowing for an easy catch.
If the blue monkey does notice you and runs down the bridge and jumps up onto the raised area, once you've caught him, dive very close to the edge of the area when making your way to the red monkey on the pole to spook him into jumping off.
When he lands, bop him with the stun club for the free catch, or if you're confident in your net skills, go for the swing as soon as he lands. It's very easy to miss catching him as soon as he lands and if you do miss & he gets a hit off on you, he can be a pain to catch.
[center]Simian Citadel[/center]
After luring the first monkey out of his hut with the bananarang, drop down to where he will land and prepare a jump catch for him to fall into allowing you to catch him as soon as possible. Do this wherever possible.
Making use of the net invulnerability is important in this stage as there are a lot of rocket monkeys. Try and go for sideways swings if they have already released rockets for you before you catch them as it will have a better chance of making you invincible than going for a straight on swing in this situation. Remember to not break out of the after-catch animation if there are rockets coming towards you after the catch as it will make you vulnerable to them.
If you clip into the tank for the mermonkey and the monkey is right in the middle, wait a moment for him to swim to either the right of left side and out of the middle section. If you catch him while he's in the middle section, you won't be able to clip out of the tank.
[center]Pyramid Panic[/center]
If the first monkey isn't aware of you after you airwalk up to his location, swing for him as you're dropping down from the platform for a fast catch. If he does notice you, jump catch him to avoid his laser shot.
When you land from the OOB next to the second to last monkey it's a good idea to spin your stun club to ensure a hit on him for a more consistent catch as he can be quite the slippery customer.
[center]White Monkey[/center]
As soon as the fight starts you can get a hit on the robot before he attacks you. Once you've attacked the robot it's a good idea to make sure you're infront of the robot so it won't get in the way of you shooting the explosive pellet at White.
When aiming at white, it's important to understand that he frequently jolts about, then slows down, and repeats these movements. It's best to try and hit him right after he has finished his dash. Of course you can hit him with the pellet at any point while he is vulnerable, but it's very risky. If you entered the fight with 3 explosives (very likely) and you miss one, just club him for the remainder of the fight.
After you've got one hit on White, his robot will be able to give you one of these 4 moves
- Sneeze Attack
- Stun Club
- Boost Hop
- Sky Flyer Butt Slam
Using the boost hoop it's possible to get an early hit on him with all these moves bar the sneeze attack.
When he attacks you with the stunclub, boost into him at a slight up right angle as he swings to hit him.
With the robots boost hoop & sky flyer attack, you want to boost straight into him as he is preparing the attack and hope for the best. If you don't hit him during his hoop start up, try it again, but time it for when he is just about to run around with his hoop. It's a lot harder to get a hit in during these attack start ups.
[center]Pirate Isle[/center]
For the two monkeys in the middle platform of the lava cave, it's a good idea to bop them before catching them to ensure they don't jump into the cannons. If you go for the swing and miss, you have another chance at catching them while they jump into the cannon with a jump catch.
Make sure to pick up the cookie in the middle of the cannons if you are low on health as this stage has a lot of damage boosting.
After catching the fire breathing monkey in the dingy room, make sure you dive as close to the edge as possible in the marked location to make sure you land on the platforms in the lava without taking a time consuming lava hit beforehand.
When going for the barrel of explosives in the final room, a jump hit with the stun club will ensure that both barrels break for easy pellet collection.
[center]Land of the Apes[/center]
Try to make sure you have a decent amount of cookies for the start of this stage as there is some damage boosting.
[center]The Lost Valley[/center]
Coming out of an airwalk with R2 for the net flip is a great way to catch this monkey. If you miss the monkey and land right next to him, quickly go for the jump catch to avoid his laser shot.
The monkey underneath the dinosaur has a very high chance of dodging your first swing and can even dodge jump catches. The best way to prevent this is with a quick stun club hit & then catch.
With the fire breathing monkey after the log raft jumping you can jump catch him if he is close enough to the edge. If he is too far away you need to either slingshot him then catch him, or crawl under his fire & catch him.
It doesn't waste much time at all to grab this cookie with your net if you are low on health.
For the ape trio in the t-rex circle you want to boost hoop into the blue monkey at the front, then run a little bit then jump catch the red. Usually this can then move onto a double catch onto the yellow. If it doesn't that's fine, try and sweep up the yellow & blue in one swing or catch them separately, but do it fast, the blue monkey is one of the fastest ones in the game & you don't want to give him a chance to get up.
[center]Red Monkey[/center]
Hit Red with the stun club then transition it into a spin to get 3 fast hits on him to make him vulnerable to the explosive pellet. You can also jump and click L3 to quickly hit him 3 times with the stun club ground pound attack.
[center]Skyscraper City[/center]
If this monkey is close to the edge and is about to turn round and turn his back to you, it's worth it to wait a second for him to do so as chasing him wastes time and can be very troublesome. If he's in a position where waiting isn't an option, you can always touch ground after climbing across using the pole, drop down into the pit and when you respawn he will be facing away from you.
Try to make good use of the net invincibility with the two seated monkeys inside the building at the end of the room.
If you're very lucky this monkey will be close enough to the window to catch. If you've been blessed with the oppurtunity, skip out on the banana hut monkey.
Run towards this streetlight to confirm the checkpoint to ensure the death abuse works correctly.
Shoot these giant pigs with missiles when preparing to shoot the breakable wall as they can drop explosive pellets which can be used for fast hits on Giant Yellow.
There's two cookies on both sides of the door to enter the Giant Yellow fight if you're worried about getting chopped to death.
[center]Giant Yellow[/center]
Use any extra explosives you have to hit his teeth as soon as they are vulnerable. You can hit then even if his lip is covering them. This goes for stun club hits aswell.
If he gives you the hand shake as his first of the two final moves, it cuts off one attack from the fight. This is quite rare.
If he gives you punches it's slightly faster to be standing on his head as they have less distance to travel back to him.