Discord Poll | Change Character Subcategory into Annotation
Discord Poll | Change Character Subcategory into Annotation
Postad 10 months ago av

As of posting this, a 2 day poll has been added to the community discord in the #wk-speedrunning channel as a pinned post inquiring about changing the character subcategory into an annotation instead.

SUBCATEGORY (current): Each character has their own leaderboard and is ranked exclusively against runs of the character.

ANNOTATION (proposed): Each character is ranked on the same leaderboard against one another, with two main benefits, and one downside.

Benefits to changing:

  • The leaderboard will be much easier to navigate, since all runs in a category will no longer be separated by the character tab.
  • Runs for only one character can still be viewed by using a filtered search, so people who want to compete for the best time using a specific character can still aim for top times as their fave, they'll just be globally ranked together with the rest.

Downside to changing:

  • Being in the same leaderboard means a leaderboard's meta will be defined by the best possible character to use, as opposed to being unique per character. There will be less overall top scores, which might be upsetting to some.

Please check the Discord if you'd like your voice to be heard on this issue. So far, most top runners and moderators agree that the change would be beneficial. If you'd like to argue against in (civilly) we can talk it out in the speedrunning channel.

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