Morley "infinite" damage bug
5 months ago

Hi there.

Just finished my casual play through of the game, and at some point I found a bug with Morley that allowed him to, kind of, do infinite damage.

CLIP (Unlisted):

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Put Morley in a triple daggers class
  2. Hold Morley's Y aerial attack
  3. Somehow position of your team members directly under Morley as he does the down-spinning slash part of the attack animation
  4. If done correctly Morley will be stuck in his rapid spin attack animation and will do an insane amount of damage/hits to the enemy.

I should note that controlling or setting up step 3 looks almost impossible, but if some way of setting it up reliably was found then it might help with speedrunning.

United Kingdom

Hey, yeah, this is a thing. You can get stuck on enemies as well. My most common victim is Fullmetal Hugger due to its large size of parts. The 'buzzsaw' as a couple of us are calling it seems to happen every now and then, but definitely - Finding a consistent set up would be lovely!

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5 months ago
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