Settings Question
8 months ago

So this might sound like a silly question, but all ruleset settings should be default right ? I don't see this explicitly mentioned in the rules, but there are tons of options to change in the rulesets that could make even brutal difficulty a walk in the park, like multiplying player health and damage, multiplying resource drops, heck you can even make every recipe free.

I was thinking about how long and difficult a brutal mode 'kill dracula' all bosses run would be, and then I remembered those settings. Should the rules maybe be updated to say that you have to use "Standard PvE Rules" ? I bet everyone has so far, but it also might be possible to change some settings a tiny bit to sneakily cheat.

I'd also be interested personally in a category for custom runs, like, anything goes for rulesets, cuz if you do move every slider in your favor it would be much more reasonable time-wise to actually do a run, but it would also be way too easy. Maybe there's a middle ground everyone could agree on like having resources be easy but the fights are still hard ?


i agree, we should have that in the rules, to have the default settings, and for that, explicitly asking to begin the record of the vid in the main menu for exemple, for to be sure the settings are not changed (i don't know if it's still possible to change settings and go back in the main menu though).

And i'm in favor to having the default settings, it would be so weird to have to change settings before to play the game. Especially when the game is pretty well balanced by default, in my opinion.

I'd agree that's it's balanced for multiplayer, and not terrible for solo play, but playing on normal/average/intended solo always made me feel like I was spending way too much time gathering mats, might be a skill issue though.

My main reason for wanting a custom mode like the one I described is so we can do boss gauntlets that purely focus on, well, the boss fights. With resources basically removed from the equation a full all bosses run of the entire game might actually be feasible/realistic.


Hmm yeah i see your point. For now i only did Act 1 All Bosses, but maybe for next acts i will find it a pain in the ass concerning the farming. And i agree the essence of this category is to kill bosses, again and again, like a boss rush.

But in the same time... it's part of the game to craft, to farm ressources for better equipments, etc... Apparently some people love that part of the game also.

Sooo... Personally i think maybe we could have a test in a miscalenious categories? Cause we already have a lot of differents categories (and i know, i'm the one who wanted an "All Bosses" category ^^'), and to have a lot of categories empty is kinda bad for the speedrun community in my opinion. Maybe this category could be liked by future runners, and in a future we could add it in an official one?

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Rhône-Alpes, France

I thought it was clear enough, i'm adding it to the rules.

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