Helpful tips for runners wanting to run All Structures
6 years ago
Maryland, USA

Tip #1: To save hearing/watching you Mii talk to you before a trouble, check their belly and immediately click back. Saves about a second or 2.

Tip #2: When starting a run, and a Mii is hungry, BUY THE CHEAPEST FOOD BEFORE YOUR 20,000 YEN GOAL. The game checks to see if you have 20000 in your wallet, not total collected over the time of the run.

Tip #3: if you're playing on an emulator, if you wish to time travel, pause your emulator, open up your settings and change the date of your PC. Then un-pause and reset your rom. If on 3DS or DS, you have to go into your system settings and change them there.

Happy speed running!

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