possible categories to add
8 months ago
United States

some categories that might add flavor to the same patterns or smth. idk i lov this game so much.. may get into speedranning.. here are the ideas

  • treasureless% - do not take any treasure during the run
  • shopless% - do not speak to shopkeeper/take shop upgrades during the run
  • low% - no treasure, no shop
  • hitless%/floofball% - run but with floofball equipped to confirm that the full run was hitless
monsterzero, NyEn_yONg och 2 andra gillar detta

A good friend of mine said 2 runs are a race, 3's a category - if there's some actual activity in various categories I see no reason why we can't add them~

monsterzero tycker om detta
United States

wahoo ! i have been wanting to get into this game speedrunning maybe i will personally tap into these cats myself with a bestie once im able to

monsterzero och ArceaValkyria gillar detta
She/Her, They/Them
6 months ago

I'm surprised there aren't boards for each individual character for solo. Would be way more interesting to see the best times with each rather than have everyone play dancer.

The_Nei och lisianthoma gillar detta