Discord Server
7 years ago

There is as of yet no Discord server specifically for the game. Give me a shout if there is interest in this.

We have however a channel for 2Dark on the Little Big Adventure series speedrun Discord server, where speedruns of 2Dark may also be discussed. See invite below.


Redigerad av författaren 11 months ago

Is the Discord still exist ? Doesn't seem so. I'd like to share informations about a crazy new skip with big potential (if used correctly we're talking about a save of more than 5 minutes). Sadly, I don't really undestand how it works and I need someone able to dig into the game, understand how it's programed and what could possibly create the glitch so we can try to replicate it everywhere we want... Anyway, if someone is still alive here, give me a sign !


Seems the invite expired some time ago. I've updated the invite link to one that should still be working.

Sound intriguing, for sure! Come on by in the #2dark channel and share it if you'd like. I'd love to see or learn more!

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Postad 11 months ago