Time Attack Standard times
6 years ago

The top players of the community have come together and agreed upon a set of standard times for each of the six stages in the game. The standards represent the strength and difficulty of achieving a time on a course.

The benefit of the standard times is to give players an idea of where their current skill level is on a course and will hopefully motivate players to push through the different standards as they improve. The names of the standards were initially inspired by the super mario kart community but have been changed on this update to have more of a snowboard theme to them.

To attain a particular standard you must BEAT the time given.

The standards are based on our current knowledge and understanding of the game and the times we know that are humanly achievable. But like all speed running games the community has found new techniques to go faster and as a consequence the standards have been adjusted accordingly. The year 2021 has seen huge developments in our understanding of the game through the use of tool assisted speedrunning (TAS) which has demonstrated to us that times we once thought were impossible are in theory attainable.

It is with the inclusion of our best TAS times that we have been able to determine the latest set of standards for each of the six courses.

[big]Crystal Lake[/big]

Standard------------Time to beat-------------Current World Record --------------1'01"97 --------1'02"10 ----------1'02"20--------------------X -----------1'02"30 -----------1'02"50 --------1'02"70 ----------1'03"00 --------1'03"50 -----Any time above 1'03"50

[big]Crystal Peak[/big]

Standard-----------Time to beat-------------Current World Record -------------1'25"63 --------1'25"95 ----------1'26"10--------------------X -----------1'26"30 -----------1'26"60 --------1'27"00 ----------1'27"50 --------1'28"00 -----Any time above 1'28"00

[big]Golden Forest[/big]

Standard-----------Time to beat-------------Current World Record -------------1'16"85 --------1'17"25 ----------1'17"45--------------------X -----------1'17"75 -----------1'18"20 --------1'18"70 ----------1'19"20 --------1'19"70 -----Any time above 1'19"70

[big]Mountain Village[/big]

Standard-------------Time to beat-------------Current World Record ---------------1'26"98 ---------1'27"35 -----------1'27"55--------------------X ------------1'27"80 ------------1'28"10 ---------1'28"50 -----------1'29"00 ---------1'29"50 ------Any time above 1'29"50

[big]Dragon Cave[/big]

Standard-------------Time to beat-------------Current World Record ---------------1'21"87 ---------1'22"45 -----------1'22"75--------------------X ------------1'23"10 ------------1'23"50 ---------1'24"00 -----------1'24"50 ---------1'25"00 ------Any time above 1'25"00

[big]Deadly Fall[/big]

Standard-------------Time to beat-------------Current World Record ---------------1'06"29 ---------1'06"50 -----------1'06"60--------------------X ------------1'06"80 ------------1'07"00 ---------1'07"30 -----------1'07"80 ---------1'08"30 ------Any time above 1'08"30

Redigerad av författaren 3 years ago
R-J-Clapham tycker om detta

Last updated on 30/12/2021

The following players have achieved the following standards

[big][big][big]Crystal Lake[/big][/big][/big]


-----Bomber----- -SwordV -mattador -Bert86 -R-J-Clapham


-----Carver----- -Sonata -CabbiGarasu -Charliezard -Lomaslooman -GrindTheory1080 -JamboJDB -Ron_Klijn -Hayate -MrValyxn -KoilroHoshi -Barra

-----Freerider----- -AutonomousContinuum -Breakneck -BIG-FRIDGE -Sebastian-G -berg -Neral -CohenB -BigDre

-----Hucker----- -theluge -flowwbo -bizzychoco -nallesounds -dkr_paddy -CrimsonMango -learninglab -dannbee86 -SKsGhost -meauxdal -doctorfeesh -Mandalore -Brylarke -CMV -mo_moe -andypanther -MOTTY -RunningButter -yu- -Swaggus -MattyAlanEstock -DJ-Cat -abney317 -cj122 -Darkhorse -Green_Alex -the_androgyne -BK -Mahrla -RTADan -theifatman

-----Grommet----- -NRezXBX -jambo85 -Mike-Soad -Adamo -sage327 -JazzaBigHits -Ace_Nelson -ChidiClutch -Sirscores_alot

-----Butt dragger----- -BlackChaos322 -Gromic -MisaMANGE -RewindMike -fed338 -SirDeChunk -YoBGS -Thorbi99 -matisg12 -m

[big][big][big]Crystal Peak[/big][/big][/big]


-----Bomber----- -Bert86 -R-J-Clapham -mattador

-----Blaster----- -SwordV

-----Carver----- -KoilroHoshi

-----Freerider----- -Sonata -Charliezard -Hayate -Ron_Klijn -CabbiGarasu -GrindTheory1080 -bizzychoco -SirDeChunk

-----Hucker----- -Breakneck -CMV -TLOU -CrimsonMango -nallesounds -MattyAlanEstock

-----Grommet----- -Lomaslooman -RunningButter -BigDre -yu- -dkr_paddy -Green_Alex -Brylarke -theluge -andypanther -learninglab -Mike-Soad

-----Butt dragger----- -Mandalore -DJ-Cat -sage327 -meauxdal -MOTTY -JazzaBigHits -Scorrie -Ace_Nelson -Gromic

[big][big][big]Golden Forest[/big][/big][/big]


-----Bomber----- -SwordV -Bert86

-----Blaster----- -R-J-Clapham -mattador -KoilroHoshi

-----Carver----- -Lomaslooman -Sonata -Charliezard -Hayate -CabbiGarasu

-----Freerider----- -Sebastian-G -Pathogen -Ron_Klijn

-----Hucker----- -bizzychoco -GrindTheory1080 -yu-

-----Grommet----- -BigDre -flowwbo -CrimsonMango -TheLuge dkr_paddy

-----Butt dragger----- -Green_Alex -DJ-Cat -RunningButter -learninglab -Mandalore -meauxdal -Ted00 -MattyAlanEstock -sage327 -Mike-Soad -JazzaBigHits -MOTTY -Breakneck -TingleLink -Gromic

[big][big][big]Mountain Village[/big][/big][/big]


-----Bomber----- -mattador -SwordV

-----Blaster----- -Bert86 -R-J-Clapham


-----Freerider----- DF0.RAD -Charliezard

-----Hucker----- -CabbiGarasu -Lomaslooman -Pathogen -KoilroHoshi -Hayate

-----Grommet----- -Sonata -yu- -Ron_Klijn -GringTheory1080 -flowwbo -Green_Alex

-----Butt dragger----- -Mandalore -CrimsonMango -learninglab -Mike-Soad -bizzychoco -MOTTY -theluge -DJ-Cat -RunningButter -meauxdal -MattyAlanEstock -SpeedieT -Gromic

[big][big][big]Dragon Cave[/big][/big][/big]


-----Bomber----- -SwordV

-----Blaster----- -Bert86 -mattador -R-J-Clapham -Charliezard


-----Freerider----- -Hayate -Dannbee86 -KoilroHoshi -CabbiGarasu

-----Hucker----- -Sonata

-----Grommet----- -yu- -bizzychoco

-----Butt dragger----- -Ron_Klijn -Pathogen -GringTheory1080 -CrimsonMango -RunningButter -Mandalore -learninglab -MattyAlanEstock -JazzaBigHits -DJ-Cat -meauxdal -MOTTY -Gromic -Breakneck

[big][big][big]Deadly Fall[/big][/big][/big]


-----Bomber----- -mattador -SwordV -Bert

-----Blaster----- -mackz5

-----Carver----- -R-J-Clapham -Charliezard -Phalaer -Lomaslooman -CabbiGarasu -Sonata

-----Freerider----- -TheManHimself -Pathogen

-----Hucker----- -Hayate -KoilroHoshi -bizzychoco -Maalur -Breakneck -CrimsonMango -Ron_Klijn -Snowman -Adamo -yu-

-----Grommet----- -Keoups -AutonomousContinuum -Smurfy -andypanther -ChidiClutch -RunningButter -dkr_paddy -DJ-Cat -Alexis_Skye_Walker -Mandalore -learninglab -ThatZoooooooo -MOTTY -Ryan_Koch

-----Butt dragger----- -sage327 -meauxdal -CMV -Jamie.H -JazzaBigHits -MattyAlanEstock -CohenB -Gromic

Redigerad av författaren 3 years ago
RCanon86 och R-J-Clapham gillar detta