8 years ago
Ontario, Canada


I currently hold the WR on this cat... I can't be the only one around here who wants to see this get even faster. So lets see if you can top this run..

start by dying less...

Gotland, Sweden

Once I get my sub-25 Any% I might have a go at Katana%. My biggest hurdle is that I am terrible with the katana. It's a bit alarming how easy it is to miss with that thing in my experience.

LgkLewd likes this
Ontario, Canada

my current verified record is 23 min I cut it by 10 min just by not dying and adjusting the route on a few segments.

Can't wait to see your Katana run :)

Gotland, Sweden

Alright, I've hit my sub-25 goal. I'll switch over to Katana% for a bit and see how well I do. Expect to at least see a run submitted shortly. <3

LgkLewd likes this
Gotland, Sweden

First run done. 20:22, which I'm not too displeased with. It's very easily improvable, especially considering I went into this semi-blind. Fun category, albeit it pretty terrifying at times. XD

Gotland, Sweden

Down to sub-15 already. This category is effing FUN (And also scary. And occasionally extremely aggravating. But fun!)

LgkLewd likes this
Ontario, Canada

Isn't it? Poqs knocked my time down now I'm fuming ;).

Gotland, Sweden

My sum of best is almost down to sub-9. SUPERHOT is pretty harsh to run at a high level, but with perseverance we should be able to push it even below that. Break and office - and desperado, donut and hospital to an extent - are still such wildcards for me that it's difficult to get very consistent times. But I'll keep grinding on it!

Gotland, Sweden

This is how you do it!

Georgia, USA

Never ran SUPERHOT before, but I decided to give a blind katana% run a try. My time was around 45 minutes (Alright imo, considering it was my first time trying to go fast and I didn't ever restart the run). Having a lot of fun with this, expect a new player on the board soon™. It's almost suprising how easy it is to lose your katana... between throwing it out the window and having it shot...

Ontario, Canada

Bitfrost. only throw your katana if you can get it back within a second or two. or on the last dude. oh and dont die.


Hey. I was having fun on the game, then realised my lobby strat wasn't used. I tweaked it a bit and got WR in Katana mod. I might start practicing some Katana only levels. You know adding some fresh blood to the pool. ^^


I did not realised my Katana route was a Speedrun Route as well. XD one run, two WR XD

United States

Took me 4 hours to finish the Katana challenge. I threw it out a window so many times lol.

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