Run Windows version without VM
4 years ago

There are at least 3 Windows versions of the game: v1.1, v1.12 and v1.2. It seems v1.2 doesn't need a Windows 9x VM: I successfully started the game and tested a few puzzles on Windows 7 x64.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
delan likes this

No VM would make it a whole lot easier to play the game. Now to find a 1.2 copy...Thanks for the info!


v1.1 and v1.12 also don't require a 9x VM. You just have to work around the MIDI error by creating an empty file at C:\Windows\SysWOW64\midimap.cfg (x64) or C:\Windows\System32\midimap.cfg (x32).

delan likes this

If you're using Windows x64 you have to use a version that provides a Win32 exe since Windows x64 cannot run Win16 applications. Here's a list of versions that I found:

v1.1 English

  • 4shared: spslvgg
  • Win32 only (ssgwin32.exe)

v1.12 English

  • SSGWINCD / SuperSolversGizmosGadgetsTheLearningCompany1997 / ssgwincd1998
  • Win16 (ssgwincd.exe) and Win32 (ssgwin32.exe)

v1.2 English

  • Win32 only (ssgwin32.exe)

v1.2 German

Edited by the author 3 years ago
delan likes this

Today DxWnd v2.05.78 was released. It adds support for running the Win32 version of the game in non-fullscreen mode:

  • Open DxWnd
  • Enable Options -> Expert mode
  • Click Edit -> Add
  • Main tab:
    • Enter the path to ssgwin32.exe in Path
    • Set W to 640 and H to 480
  • Hook tab: check Inject suspended process
  • Video tab:
    • Check Force win resize
    • Check Initial resolution and set it to 640 x 480
  • Tweaks tab: enable win:LockSystemMenu
Edited by the author 3 years ago
delan likes this

The latest version v2.06.04 works, but a couple of the options were renamed:

  • Options -> Extended mode
  • Hook -> Injection = Inject DLL

Unfortunately only the window size and initial resolution hooks work in wine. The window is still not moveable unless you check both “Allow the window manager to {decorate,control} the windows” in winecfg, and even then, mouse input goes to the wrong coordinates when moved, and the window moves back to (0,0) when focused.

The best approach I’ve found for wine is to check “Emulate a virtual desktop” in winecfg, but this can make it very annoying to use other programs like Cheat Engine at the same time.

If you need to be able to do that, you can make the window moveable and a reasonable size by patching ssgwin32.exe (v1.2 english) as follows…

  1. at 129Dh (410C9Dh), in what I call “Game::CreateWindow”, replace
FF 35 54 48 46 00               push dword ptr [$DesktopRect.height]
FF 35 50 48 46 00               push dword ptr [$DesktopRect.width]
FF 35 4C 48 46 00               push dword ptr [$]
FF 35 48 48 46 00               push dword ptr [$DesktopRect.left]


68 E0 01 00 00 90               push 0x1E0; nop
68 80 02 00 00 90               push 0x280; nop
6A 00 90 90 90 90               push 0; nop x4
6A 00 90 90 90 90               push 0; nop x4
  1. at 199Dh (41139Dh), in “MainWndProc”, WM_ACTIVATE case, replace
66 C7 05 BC 01 46 00 01 00      mov word ptr [Game::needToMakeGameAnnoying], 1


90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90      nop x9
  1. at 461BCh (4601BCh), in “Game::needToMakeGameAnnoying”, replace
01 00                           (WORD)1


00 00                           (WORD)0

For v1.12 english, the changes to ssgwin32.exe are similar:

  • at 10ABh (401AABh), replace FF 35 C0 CE 44 00 FF 35 BC CE 44 00 FF 35 B8 CE 44 00 FF 35 B4 CE 44 00 with 68 E0 01 00 00 90 68 80 02 00 00 90 6A 00 90 90 90 90 6A 00 90 90 90 90
  • at 17A5h (4021A5h), replace 66 C7 05 90 80 44 00 01 00 with 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
  • at 46C90h (448090h), replace 01 00 with 00 00
Edited by the author 2 days ago
LiteralGrill likes this
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