Righting a Wrong and how to get the game
2 years ago
Wiltshire, England

Hi everyone, sorry I'm not on the site much so I've had a number of people go "hey, its in the wrong order!"

Well finally I took a look round and yes, whoever made the original entry put it in time ascending. I asked for moderator access so I could upload my own score, and thought nothing of it (the other entry had a missing video, I shrugged my shoulders and didn't think anything of it, assuming it was based on video proof - I was new).

@RevisitedGames clearly has a run that is quicker than both our times, so I'm sorry that I didn't notice this earlier. Thanks to everyone who messaged me about it, but I totally didn't see it as I don't have notifications set on (whoops!)

Sometimes people come to troll about where you get the game, citing illegalness. You can get the rom legally through Atari Vault as its one of the included games. You can take the rom and put it in a romcart or other device, such as the Retron 77 which I used as otherwise I'd be playing on a PAL machine.

So there we go, I can't promise I'll approve any runs in any form of timely manner, you'll have to contact me offsite (Mikebloke in most websites will literally be me, just look for game related stuff).

All the best to any future runners of Stunt Cycle.

supercrazestar likes this
Wiltshire, England

Also to any future runners, do we need to consider moving to sub-second times? When this entry was added (not by me) it was prior to the sites embargo on sub minute games (there is some, but I know they try to avoid it where possible).

I imagine that as we have runs in a few seconds of each other, it may require frame perfect counting. We may also need to require visible timers on screen when you do videos - if you do a run in future can you make sure you have a timer on screen as well to help with verification.

Many thanks!

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I created a 100% category for people who didn't fail all 9 levels. I have moved the runs to the right categories.

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