1.5 - 120 Mines Glitchless Seeded
1.5 - 120 Mines Glitchless Seeded
Updated 3 years ago by Chikorita

To just start off, as of writing this there is no "perfect seed" found. I am currently using seed 111222222

The run works relatively the same as the 1.4.0 unseeded category, with the exception that you won't have the slingshot available for explosive ammo due to the game updates. I won't be detailing everything here, since a lot of hints are posted on the regular 50/120 guide and I don't want this to be too long. This seed has 6 leeks and 1 horseradish on Day 6, with Stardrop luck (assuming you don't take extra steps while sleeping to Day 6).

USE THE BEACH FARM MAP - there is a chance of a crate with 4 cherry bombs on the left side of the main farm land. Not 100% but reset-worthy if you want it.

Sleep to Day 6 and don't take any extra steps. Day 6 will be a Stardrop luck and you won't have to check the TV. DO MOVE THE TV INTO POSITION ON DAY 6 THOUGH. You still need to check luck on future days. Making the chest is optional, BUT ONLY MAKE IT AFTER DAY 6. Don't waste energy on Day 6 and DON'T LEAVE THE HOUSE EARLY TO CRAFT A CHEST. IT WILL RUIN YOUR DAY 6 LUCK!!!!!

Day 6 - If you get the 4 cherry bombs, you can use them to help collect copper on Day 6. Do try to collect as much copper (and coal) as you can get to easily, since you don't have the slingshot for later floors. Make sure the keep your stone for crafting staircases later.

IMPORTANT!!!!! - Keeping valuable items to sell is optional this run. If you want a backup for no weapon drop, you'll want 2000 gold to buy a mallet from the Adventures Guild, so make sure to grab the quest in the mail Mines Day 2 and sell the day before going to the Guild. You will really want a weapon upgrade before the floor 90 upgrade. Do grab the Stardrop on floor 100 if you need energy.

DAY 6 IMPORTANT!!!!! There is a good chance of a club in the crates on floor 24 and potentially a weapon on 29. Check the crates for weapons and food (VERY IMPRORTANT)

MINES DAY 2 and beyond - collect copper, food, etc. when possible and keep at least 1 craftable staircase as backup for monster floors or the spiral floors. Try to only faint on 5 or 0 floors (5, 10, 15, 20, etc). GET THE BOOT UPGRADES FROM CHESTS BECAUSE YOU'LL BE FIGHTING MORE ENEMIES THAN THE SLINGSHOT ROUTE.

Hint - Animation canceling can make killing things with the starting sword (and floor 20 sword) much faster, so don't forget that ladder finding option.

REMEMBER TO USE ANIMATION CANCELING (AC)!!!!! Saves a ton of time and makes a 1-day run much more possible to complete. Press "R", "right shift", and "delete" keys at the same time to cancel the animation of the club or weapon (takes practice to get the right timing). For rocks, try to cancel the moment the rock breaks and the sword after the enemy takes damage. You can rebind the keys BUT!!!!!!!!! it has to be 1:1. No macros or multiple keys bound to a single input. You can tape the keys down (like me) but it can be a little awkward.

Remember, club special attack was nerfed for cooldown on 1.5, but AC will help with damage. Club special - right click with club and SPAM the LEFT MOUSE BUTTON and C key to land extra hits.

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Alright folks, it's been a week since 1.6 dropped and it's already been a wild start! So many new mechanics, QoL fixes, and general nonsense. We're going to start lifting the embargo here on 1.6 runs, sometime tonight the options should populate on SRC and you'll be able to select the new version. W

11 months ago
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