Useful Glitches in GA
Useful Glitches in GA
Updated 4 years ago by DucoVIII

Pause Launching/Boosting

Requires level 3 jump or higher, or the Jump Jet part. When your captain is standing still, pause the game, hold a direction and press spacebar, then unpause. The jump gets stronger when you hold the button a second or two longer. You can use this to clip through a lot of buildings and barriers in adventures, but you can easily get stuck inside of buildings.


Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and then Esc to cancel the prompt. This will reposition your captain to the ground, unless you are outside the atmosphere. Your speed doesn’t change when you ground, but grounding in front of a creature could make you bump into it and lose speed.


There are multiple methods to get levitation glitch. It's best to try it with wings first.

  1. Turn your back on an npc/object that you are about to talk to, talk to them and esc out of it before your captain turns around to face them. This activates the glitch until you click anywhere outside the HUD. Can only be done with a talk goal.
  2. Hold mouse2, start holding mouse1 and release mouse2 while still holding mouse1. This activates the glitch for as long as you hold mouse1. Can be done anywhere at any time.
  3. When playing in windowed mode, click somewhere in the sky (not on the ground) and hold, then drag your mouse off the window and steal focus from the game with someting like alt-tab, the windows key, or even crtl-alt-del if you hold your hands in a really awkward position. This activates the glitch until you click anywhere outside the HUD.

If you get it, your captain will not move properly with W A S D. Hold mouse2 to move around with W A S D again. Your movement while holding mouse2 is unaffected. Hold mouse2, hold W to walk forward and fly or jump then let go of mouse2. Any horizontal movement/speed can work. If you have wings and glide off a high platform you do not need to press spacebar to levitate. Simply walk off the edge holding right mouse button, and release it when you fall off. Hold down mouse2 to start falling normally and adjust your angle, then release it and hold W to start gaining height again. If you do not have wings, your captain will fall if you do not have upwards momentum when you release mouse2.

The glitch seems to lock the upward speed/force or something you have when you let go of right mouse button when you don't have wings. You can still fight enemies with method 1 of the levitation glitch active, but you are limited to tab and enemies striking first to target them.

If your captain's angle and the W A S D directions you are holding do not properly match the camera angle when you let go of right mouse button, your captain will walk either in that direction for a bit, or walk around half a circle then your captain stops walking and a bunch of stacked question marks appear over your captain's head.

Any level of wings can easily lift off. Jump level 1 can lift off, but needs a high platform to jump off. If you sprint, your captain will appear to hit a wall and stop suddenly, preventing you from levitating up.


If you levitate up for about 1 minute and fall all the way back down collision will mostly unload, allowing you to walk straight through walls, objects and other creatures. Flying or jumping up into a wall will still block your way. If you get on top of a building your captain will fall indefinitely above the building, sliding off can be painful if you do not have wings. Performing the grounding trick re-loads the proper collision for the object you are on, allowing you to walk on it normally again.


Holding mouse1 to move your captain forward makes you jump a lot higher, and at level 5 speed can be used to prevent height loss when flying. If you get more speed than your creature's abilities can naturally provide you can use this to gain height. When playing casually, increasing the game's frame rate also allows you to fly holding mouse1, but remember modding your config is not allowed for speedruns!

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