Do i complete all those modes with every single character, or do I do a run of each with 1 character? ( EXAMPLE: 1 Arcade run with Nightmare, 1 Time Attack Mode with Xianghua, 1 Survival with Yoshi) just want to clarify haha
Thanks and added Inferno% where you beat three Infernos Arcade, Time Attack, and Weapon Master Inferno. Naturally the Chapter 7 Inferno is fastest. You have to do the chapters and mini ones of those up till the Inferno fight. This category has a bit salt involved because if you lose on Time Attack you have to start it all over.
Also for a meme misc category I added Rekt% where it's kinda luck reliant. But the idea is to die 10 times on the hardest difficulty. There's Standard and Extra sub categories made.
I'm down for any category suggestions too any of the community wants to see. I believe the Rekt% was one idea someone brought up on the SC II forums. But only for one death. I thought why not, but instead of one for more chances of a run to be different to do ten. Another category we passed around with Alexo is Max% being max settings for rounds and health.