M-Speed & D-Speed Tutorial + BJG
M-Speed & D-Speed Tutorial + BJG
Updated 5 years ago by xrrstyle

Sonic Unleashed M-speed & D-speed Tutorial by SonicTeamHero

Sonic Unleashed[SWA] - Tutorial - M-Speed & D-Speed(by Millernusgaming):

Unleashed and Generations - M-Speed spot by romanemul1 (read the description):

BJG by:romanemul1 (read the description, or this text below) There are 4 types of speed glitches in Unleashed so far. 2D superspeed 3D M-speed BGJ (Break Jump Glitch) BJG3D (Break Jump Glitch in 3D areas).

To do a speed glitch in 2D areas (superspeed/D-speed) you need to hold an angle on your stick equal to the slow sonic movement. You can find the angle quickly by stopping the sonic in 2D area and find the spot on stick when sonic is slowly moving.

Q:Why is superspeed working the UP & DOWN way ? 
A:Because it was the spot with sonic slowest movement in that area. 

To do a speed glitch in 3d space (M-Speed) hold stick direction in about 50% of overall stick velocity (sonic walking) and finally for BGJ you need to hold movement on a stick just very slightly. Just 1-5% of the overall velocity (sonic barely walking or not moving at all). This can be performed only in 3D to 2D area connections. Warning: some glitches can freeze your console(check out the video above) Last two glitches can be performed after sneaking or QSS. In some cases you can help yourself with B/O button while performing the actions written above. By holding slide/stomp button you can change the performance of a speed glitch .

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