Can we have an episode shadow category
7 years ago
Idaho, USA

The game itself is honestly bad in my opinion and I don't really wanna play through it again but I like the idea of playing for 7 minutes at a time as kind of a joke in the short episode shadow prologue missions.


Then run it, you don't need a leaderboard to do some joke runs

I'm more than willing to add leaderboards when people run it as a serious category of course, but runs come first.

Idaho, USA

I did a bit already so Ill record some and be ready if it ever becomes a thing. Thanks for the fast reply as well.

Pennsylvania, USA

I have a run for ep shadow on my channel already at 5:17 lol, any takers?

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

Timer starts when you enter the new game and ends when you beat Virtual Reality

Victoria, Australia

Any% Episode Shadow sounds fun