New Categories!
byHeyo! After considering everything that can be speedran, I've come up with a list of categories to add. Please leave any suggestions in the "Suggest Categories!" thread.
FG: -Rebirth x1, x5, x10. -All World Obbies
ILs: -Races -World Obbies -Unlock Characters
DM @supercrazestar if I mess something up when adding the categories!
All Quests Removal
Hello everyone, the All Quests category will be removed from the Full Game leaderboards due to the lack of runs and lack of interest from the community. It was also a bit hard to moderate. Everything else shall remain the same.
I am always open for category suggestions :)
Recent runs
Level: Tornado Assault
Level: Neo Metal Sonic
Level: Radical Highway Drag Race
Level: Neo Metal Sonic