Super% Category
5 years ago
United States

There should be a new category for the game where you have to collect all seven emeralds and face off against Nega Mother Wisp without having to complete all the missions or getting all red rings. Pretty much True End Any%, but I think "Super%" sounds better.

Refrag likes this
Wisconsin, USA

or "All Emeralds"

United States

But you still need to complete the Nega Mother Wisp boss afterwards, which requires that you have all of the emeralds before facing off against the Nega Wisp Armor.

Pennsylvania, USA
Super moderatorDiamond
He/Him, They/Them
5 years ago

My apologies for a late reply, for some reason SRC's notifications didn't tell me about this thread's existence until I looked for it myself. The opinion put down by Allegro and I is that there really isn't enough demand for this particular category to exist, given that Kirbymastah, Allegro, and I have absolutely 0 interest in it because of the large amount of drawbacks that the category comes with. Those drawbacks being: It adds 7 autoscrollers that you can barely speed up. It adds a luck-based vs stage. It adds a luck based boss. It adds a 6.5 minute credits sequence. tldr it basically just adds a bunch of unneeded padding and luck to Beat the Game, with none of the positives that 100% has such as cool different level routing and adding missions.

I would suggest learning All Levels or 100% or just do normal Beat the Game. If you want to continue with it on your own feel free, but we feel that there is no need to add Good Ending/All Emeralds.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
United States

Fair enough, but the Nega Mother Wisp boss isn't really luck-based.

Pennsylvania, USA
Super moderatorDiamond
He/Him, They/Them
5 years ago

As somebody who has done ILs of that boss, I can say that the layout you get at the very start of the fight is something that I regularly reset over. EDIT: To be more clear, the asteroid layouts are luckbased, much more than most anything else in the game except for the VS stages.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA
Super moderatorDiamond
He/Him, They/Them
5 years ago

I forgot to add: If there is more interest in the category in the future I wouldn't be opposed to adding it.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
United States

I have to admit, the asteroids can be a bit annoying, but they're far from random. They fly in the direction opposite to the side they are hit from, meaning you can hit one on the right side of it to make it fly left. It's not random at all, it's actually manipulatable.

Wisconsin, USA

Hitting the asteroids themselves isn't random, if that's what you're implying.

What diamond meant was that the pattern of the boss's attacks is random, which is what makes the boss a complete pain in the butt because you can hit an asteroid and she'll just swing her arm instead of getting hit by the asteroid, and there's no way to get around it besides hope she doesn't swing it.

I'm not opposed to adding an all emeralds / best ending category, but honestly it's a pretty dumb category to run and you might as well just run any% instead since it's the same thing without most of the dumb parts.

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