(Very close to a 15:51, but due to it being largely an audio cue on Start I cannot tell)
Execution mistakes were one early turn in Hospital due to it dropping my 'Up' and I didn't early quit out of the Drugstore menu after buying the final Hikobari.
Bad luck was: 3 Hospital Encounters, 1 Encounter in Arcade at end, 2nd try Ghost.
Good luck (that sort of counteracted 2nd try Ghost) was I didn't get an encounter going to Park, which seems pretty rare.
I think this could go to a 15:3X with godlike luck, but this run is far too much of a pain. I'm done with this for a while, despite this run being meh luck wise and me wanting to try more, kind of had enough of having good attempts dying to 4th try Ghost or 6+ Hospital encounters.
After having conducted a poll in the megaten speedrunning discord to overwhelming support in favour of changing the rules to standardize the timing across the leaderboard, all categories will start the time on "Start" and end time on "END." fully appearing on screen.
For clarification, because th