RE: "Category Idea" posts
4 years ago
Michigan, USA

Recently a mod of the smoce boards made a post telling people to stop. The thread was locked as they did not negative criticism. First of all the url literally says smomemes, the boards are meant to be a meme hence the name. However the mods seem very angry whenever a meme is posted. We're just here to have fun and meme a bit. Second of all, a lot of reasons for rejecting categories is completely inconsistent and to this day categories that break the apparent non existent "ce policy" such as "too similar in length, won't be popular enough, like c'mon you have a category that literally has 5 runners yet you deleted categories that were way more active than that category. The only reason it was still a category was because people enjoyed watching i'm sorry, i went on a rant but it was necessary. Also, no offense to the smo mods i should be able to share my opinions right?

kcaj and KilleDragon like this
Ontario, Canada
She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

From what it looks like to me the mods don't want any new CE's to exist whatsoever. If you have an idea you think will be fun, go route it and play it yourself. This board isn't so much the meme board it used to be, there's a reason it's called "Category Extensions" now, though I don't think the mods care nearly as much about it, if at all compared to the main boards.

Maryland, USA

We are not negating any sort of criticism by locking the thread (I removed my note that mentioned "Stop it." as that was pointless repetition, some of that post wasn't given a 2nd thought I apologize), it was mainly made as general info to make those aware that we don't tolerate the forum spam and shitposting/small talk generated through these category idea threads. If you look at the URL, it is very clearly smoce, it had been changed from smomemes to smoce in September 2018, which we then proceeded to remove numerous categories for good reasons since then up to mid 2019 (see archive post). However, the leaderboard always had "Category Extensions" in its title, it just was never perceived that way until we removed the obvious meme categories. Just because there had not been many to no recent additions doesn't mean we don't wish for any other categories to be created and exist on the board, we never said that, if we didn't care as much about this board now it would of remained the overcrowded meme leaderboard it once was with vacant categories left over for months to a year+ on end which is why at that time the mods would allow whatever users threw at them (meaning the leaderboard was not cared for and moderated as much as it is now) which is the worst way to moderate a leaderboard from my years of experience. The huge majority of ideas thrown around in this forum have their reasons for not gaining traction to be a viable leaderboard category (there is no main category with 5 or less unique runners or whatever category you're talking about?, but anyway recent ideas for categories being thrown around are based on what youtubers create for memes, obtaining less or more of in-game features such as "101%", "Rich%" or the previous "15%" just to name a few that already have sensible categories based on proper in-game completion rather than an arbitrary ruleset these ideas possess, we see user interest at times but we never see runs of said ideas which is clearly the problem to begin with in order to add new categories, sensible goals = longevity of the category, activity will come and go), and that mostly has nothing to do with us, it is based on the reactions of the community that do respond to the idea. Like I said, understand that over the last couple months there had been too many posts by multiple or the same users posting their ideas which lead to one of the mods having to lock or delete them as they would turn into a shitpost thread after receiving negative or meaningless comments about their idea. In the post I mentioned you can post whatever ideas you have in the discord server, this helps prevent notifications being so clogged towards the people who follow this board, some would spam posts and it would become too much at times, we have been notified about this before over this duration of category idea posts so something had to actually be done rather than @ users in the discord server. This has not been a "meme" leaderboard in ages now and we realize some people have yet to move on from that, based on your 3rd sentence it's very evident. Forums are also not a place to meme around a bit, they serve as valuable discussions and information to users. If you wish to meme around about CEs and such, the discord server is there. My post earlier are not requirements or any sort of set "standards" for leaderboard viability, they are meant as recommendations if you wish to share your ideas in this forum, just don't expect to see it on the leaderboard, that seems to be some user's problem.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
04dude3, afnannen136 and 2 others like this
Michigan, USA

The url was changed to smoce? How did I not realize that until now lol. Also I didn't use your thread as requirements for categories, many reasons for somewhat valid categories in the past were rejected for the apparent "ce policy" reason but does the ce policy even exist?

Ontario, Canada
She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

At this point would it not make sense to remove the forum all together and just use the discord?

Basque Country

@Tech okey, I am a little bit lost, probably because I am so lazy to read good all the post, so I only can say that Im completly agree with @24HourRunz

And is true, does the ce policy even exist? lol lmao

Basque Country

@GoomEevee lol also true, but in the discord actualy desactivate the notifications jaja so nah

Maryland, USA

People would of called it a "hassle" to read the post anyway however I formatted it because its long... so it doesn't really matter to cut it into parts? The original "ce policy" has been abolished along with smomemes, we just pretty much require runs from multiple users of the given category idea, which is what I said that we never see that, we only see ideas talked about and thrown around and never done by numerous people. Since the change we have no issue adding new upcoming CEs that follow the above. The post yesterday was mainly about the spam/small talk/shitposting that occurs in these specific threads, and i don't want to name names but users like @KilleDragon really need to chill out at times, I have to mention because it's been ongoing and some of these users have been @'ed on the discord server about it but that never fixed it. I also wanted to clear up on this "ce policy" that does not really exist anymore, it's just get other people to run that show a general interest in the idea, otherwise how are we even able to consider adding a category on a leaderboard that requires runs. Also mentioned in that post, bringing up ideas from older threads is fine, just know that they are inactive for a reason unless you have a valid reason to revive them. From both standpoints, we just want the spam and such to chill down, this isn't a place for memes, and please don't expect your idea to automatically appear on the leaderboard because a couple or maybe even multiple people show interest, we want to see runs, our leaderboards have required runs since early 2018.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
04dude3 likes this
Basque Country

Okey, I understand; In all case, if we will be go speaking about "ce policy" would be nice to create a TRUE "ce policy" for this leaderboard and clarify why a category can be rejected because of "ce policy"; Only I say because then you reach here and you look that "this category would be not go to be added because it not accepted by the ce policy" and you like "´becaue of ce policy´ what the hell there is not ce policy, you just say to dont have to discusse this >:c"

Maryland, USA

We have not mentioned anything about the ce policy since this leaderboard was littered with memes, the post above states that we had not used such a thing since the change from smomemes to smoce, I have no clue what you're even talking about. I don't see much of a reason to create a ce policy now with how barely any ideas encourage multiple runs to begin with. Very important to note, we do not reject category ideas, originally in my post at the top of this thread, i mention that THE COMMUNITY is in control, it is based on how the community reacts and responds to the idea (the only times where I or another mod had responded before community posts were when the given "idea" was simply a memepost, this sadly has happened to us many times), and most of the time the community may show interest, but never run the category idea, which prevents us from even considering adding it to the leaderboard. Removing this forum is not an option SRC allows, there is no point, just chill with spamming posts and please think before you post your idea, that is mostly what we originally asked.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
04dude3 and kcaj like this
United States
He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

The ce policy can be summed up by the last sentences of Tech's last paragraph. To paraphrase, don't expect your runs to be put on the boards if only a few people want to run it. We are in no way stopping you from running that category, there just will not be a leaderboard. A perfect was to handle this is how BP31 has handled All Flags RTA. A group of people are running it and keeping a leaderboard them self. But most important, they are not continuing to make forum posts about it and clogging notifications. They have moved their conversations to the discord and that is the way is should be. The mods already have enough stuff to deal with in real life and with smo. We do not need shutting down category leaderboards that clearly should not be on the boards on top of all of that.

04dude3, BP31, and kcaj like this
Ontario, Canada

Make a other board


@Tech To me (and probably to others too), your posts don't look formatted. This may be because you might have only used line breaks instead of empty lines. These sentences here are separated by line breaks. From my experience, they don't appear separated by line breaks when posted.

These sentences, in contrast, are separated by empty lines.

This should keep them separated when posting this message.

I would have told you this on Discord, but it appears that we don't share a common Discord Server :(

Hope this note was appropriate. Have a good day

Edit: To me, it now actually looks formatted - did they maybe change it only for the poster? That would be inconvenient

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Maryland, USA

"Make another board" is an example of posts that have no reason to be made that i'm sure you're aware. There is SMO and SMOCE, that is all we need... You can simply make a google sheet of whatever category ideas you have and treat them the way BlipBlo had said with how BP31 is handling their category, and they quite possibly have a better chance of becoming a category extension rather than just having an idea tossed around continuously with very few runs or none at all to show for it. Iwer, I never said my posts are formatted, someone would of found a way to complain due to how long my serious posts typically are, I know who typically shows up in this forum, this is not what this thread is about anyway.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
04dude3 and BP31 like this
United States
He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

Also, if the only problem is the way Tech formatted, you have to agree he has a really good point.

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