Category Request: Darker Side
6 months ago
Victoria, Australia

The aim of the run is to complete the end game gauntlet known as darker side as fast as possible, timer starts when you load in from entering the pipe and the timer ends when you grab the multimoon.

Use of Amiibo, 2 Player, Luigi's Balloon World, and Assist Mode is banned.

Ohio, USA

There's a Darker Side category in the main boards, but you start from a new game. I'm pretty sure this has been discussed before, but it might make for a good category. Although, if this became a category people may want to add Dark Side too. You may want to submit this using the "New Category Requests" forum that is pinned.

Ontario, Canada
She/Her, They/Them
5 months ago

1st IL starts on fade out after the odyssey has powered up sort of like cascade -> sand and 2nd ILs are no longer on the boards since not enough people have run them so they took them off the leaderboards.

Ohio, USA

first ILs aren't on the leaderboards or at least I've not seen them.

Basque Country

she explained that in her 2nd point lol

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