Switch FW proof question
1 year ago
Thuringia, Germany

Hey there, I just completed my first Any% Run which I'm happy with. I just read the rules and saw that there needs to be a Switch Firmware proof after a run with Fast Action Guide Skip after the run was done. Sadly I forgot to record the FW Version after the run. Is there a way where I can verify it afterwards? Kinda bummed now that i forgot it :/

Virginia, USA

Do you mind sending a link to the vid in question? I've seen a couple instances where people think they do fast action guide skip but they don't.

Queensland, Australia

I think its this run https://www.speedrun.com/smo/run/zpw8ogny and if it is then idk I've never seen Fast Action Guide Skip so idk what it looks like

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Victoria, Australia

If it's the run Shadow said, then that wasn't fast action guide skip. Fast action guide skip is when the game doesn't freeze for about a second after the screen fades back from black just after skipping the action guide, so it'll be fine.

I'm not a verifier, but I'd imagine that rule is only really enforced for very top level runs. If I remember correctly, that rule was made mainly with Nipple% in mind, where being on older Switch firmware (on which fast action guide skip was much easier) could possibly be an unfair advantage at the WR level.

grntsz likes this
Thuringia, Germany

Yeah the run that Shadow linked is the one where I was asking. I wait and see what the mods say. ^^

Tennessee, USA

What GoodGoomba is entirely correct. That run didn't have Fast Action Guide Skip, but even if it did, we would not reject it for not showing firmware. The rule was made to discourage top level runners from keeping their switch on old firmwares when others were not able to.

lukuh and grntsz like this
United States

You should always show your FW version just to make sure, even if you didn't get Fast Action Guide Skip