1P and 2P split?
8 years ago

Respect was talking to me with regards to the 'if you care that much about a free WR' comment, to which all I can respond is that I genuinely don't care if a person wants a free wr, but when the whole community acts to change a fully functional way of doing things on a desire for a free wr, then there's an issue.

Lucin, your argument about making Luigi the sole category for any% and 120 star is quite frankly absurd. What that argument suggests is that a new runner, with no save file, will not be able to do a blind run because they're not already deep enough into a save file to do that. The fact that Luigi is even a main category and not misc is nothing short of a miracle, because you're loading a save file which has already been used before - I agree in that there's no need for both, but Luigi should be considered NG+ in my opinion (although, I don't really care).

Laxxius likes this
New York, USA

@Lens I could see what you mean by absurd but my intention wasn't to get rid of Mario just have it lumped together so there would be a tag. So if a new player chose to run Mario they would have nothing stopping them but it would obviously be slower. However, even if we did require people to only play Luigi there is kind of a precedent of that with Luigi's Mansion speedruns. I know this because I'm trying to go through a save file atm...

@ShadowLugia I feel like you didn't really read some parts because I did address your first issue. The second I acknowledged as fact as to why Mario and Luigi are split. What I think you didn't realize was what I was trying to do with that argument. I used what I think is the biggest issue for the people that don't want the split and applied it to Mario and Luigi. That issue being that they are pretty much the same run and surprise it works. You even said yourself that the point of speedrunning is to go fast so the inherent time argument doesn't make sense. That time save in the beginning of the run should be welcomed.

Laxxius likes this

You guys are all dumb. The best category is Any% Wario 3p

grnts, ely_ and 3 others like this

OK but seriously. This is annoying. Is it going to change or not? Also, this page needs new mods. Because the mods it has are not good enough. How impossible is it to make new mods? If it is impossible, then rip. We need people who are active to be mods. Then we can change the categories as we please. This (realistically) isn't that important of an issue. But it would be nice to see it resolved.

~Sincerely, your loving admirer, Laxxius <3

Gelderland, Netherlands

Do you even run this game?

Laxxius and Odme_ like this
Virginia, USA


Gaming_64 and Laxxius like this
Virginia, USA

Laxxius btw, you must be incredibly stupid or as jelluh said, you don't run the game, to think that these mods don't listen to people on this forum. People wanted Mario and Luigi to be split? They split them. Also, you yourself are sounding like you just want mod. "We need people who are active to be mods. Then we can change the categories as we please." You sound like "We need people to mod me in this page. Then I can change the categories as I please."

Splitting 1P and 2P does sound like a good idea, but bringing up the subject of inactive mods into this is just unnecessary. If you wanna trash talk the mods, go get yourself a PB first so we can actually take you seriously. :)

Gaming_64 and Laxxius like this

Ok sorry <3 I really don't want to be a mod in anything. That's too much work.

I'll be good from now on, just pls don't bop me BibleThump


I just got so roasted.... .... I might as well be sautéed with some exotic spices before getting put on a platter to eat EleGiggle

Fresh roasted Laxxius for 12.99$ Kreygasm


Ok but I really want this to end. Is it likely that the categories will: change, stay the same, or do we not know? Please ignore everything else I said because it is irrelevant. (sorry for bashing the mods, I didn't mean to and I actually like all of them)

I'm just a newbie that wants to ask a question because I'm new here. Are 1p and 2p likely to be split or no?

Sorry for being a hassle...

Portland, OR, USA

I doubt they're gonna be split @Laxxius


I love how this forum has over 2k views lol

Western Australia, Australia

I'm for it. As it is a very significant difference in the outcome of the final times, and that its even has its own column in run lists, I think it is only logical to split them. Also, would someone mind telling me how you control two cursors with one person?

United Kingdom
  • The (2p) Luigi any% world record was just beaten by someone who plays in 1p mode, which shows it is not yet a very significant difference.

  • Generally people hold two wiimotes in 1 hand (taping them together) to control both cursors together.

  • As you might be able to see from the age of the last post in this thread, this has been argued about for at least 5 years - time and time again we have decided that it is better to keep the categories together - if you want to only see 1p runs you can filter the leaderboards.


This is a 5 year old forum.

grnts, actualchatterteeth and 4 others like this
United States

Y'all. Hardcore beat that WR with 2P. Also this is stupid and an old forum, I highly doubt anyone's gonna take anything said in here seriously lol

Monkeytron likes this
United States

@Beesches Now I'm going to play the Odme card here and ask, do YOU even run this game?

Florida, USA

Opinions on 2P now are way different then 5 years ago with a lot of top runners and players getting better at 2P and now accept it because a lot of people prefer it and it's faster. While the community does have some disagreements on whether it should be allowed or not usually the reasons are different then people running this game 5 years ago. The people who have opinions about this are mostly by people who run or have a lot of experience with the game where they usually have a more valid opinion. If you had experience you would have a better and reasonable opinion about this on whether you agree with a 2P split or not.

Monkeytron likes this
United Kingdom

Ok fair do's toogs, I assumed that it was 1p because hardcore always used to do 1p. My bad.

Western Australia, Australia

@Toogs, I haven't yet, but I will once I want to take it seriously. I do do speed runs, particularly in SSBU and Metroid Dread.

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