Unbelievable -3 and a double WR in All Coin Heavens to finish it out! This was the 4th run of the day that got to -3, and all of them got past fast accel and to clip. The -3 clip in this run was nearly perfect for what I was going for, which makes it even more crazy. This run is now a whopping 7 frames off of the No L+R TAS of 2:30.103! Although this time is gonna be pretty crazy to beat, I have proven that I am capable of a 2:30.1xx. This will be a time that will not be easy by any means, but I would love to achieve it before I'm fully done with this category, so we will just have to wait and see what lies ahead...
Desktop Only Video:
Retiming: (10787 - 1759) / 60.098813897441 = 150.2192 = 2:30.219
Played on Nestopia UE

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