I'm very new to the SM64 speedrunning and I'm setting up everything in Livesplits to start running 0 star. What are all the acronyms or titles of the splits in the 0 star run, ex. LBLJ, BitDW, BitFS, and so on? Thanks, lads.
0 star is extremely hard, good luck on that
LBLJ is just BLJ(Backwards long jump) and the first L stands for lobby because you do that BLJ in the lobby. SBLJ is a certain type of BLJ where you do it at a certain angle on certain stairs like the one in the basement. S stands for side. Bit stands for (Bowser in the) in all the 3 bowser stages. The first one is DW(Dark World) the second one is FS(Fire Sea) and S(Sky). Another one that is important are VC, which can either mean Virtual Console, the emulator on the Wii and WiiU, or it can mean Vanish Cap the stage in the moat that you only go to in 120 star.
I don’t reccomend you start with 0 star because it’s very difficult, and 1 star to an extent is still really hard but much easier than 0. If you wanna get serious with the game I recommend 70 because then it’s easier to go to 120. Or if you just wanna learn the game a bit I recommend 16. But if your really into 0 you should probably start with 1 star, though it’s still kinda hard. The only other acronym you would use in 1 star is DDD (Dire Dire Docks).
If you wanna know more acronyms that you would use in 16, 70 or 120 check this link out https://pannenkoek2012.fandom.com/wiki/Abbreviations
BOB Bob omb battlefield WF Whomps fortress CCM Cool Cool Mountain JRB Jolly Roger Bay PSS Peach Secret Slide BITDW Bowser in the dark world LLL Lethal Lava Land SSL Shifting Sand Land HMC Hazy Maze Cave DDD Dire Dire Docks SL Snowman's Land BitFS Bowser in the fire sea TTC Tick Tock Clock TTM Tall Tall Mountain WDW Wet Dry world RR Rainbow Ride Those are the ones I can remember off the top of my head
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