Suggestion: Add No Level Returns and Level Returns variable to All Careers and All Goals
5 years ago
He/Him, They/Them
5 years ago

Hey guys,

I just had a brainwave regarding the categories All Careers and All Goals.

As you know, WR for All Careers is done with what I am calling Level Returns (henceforth known as LR) - To define what I mean, I go through a career track then after completing it, move back to a house. This is called Level Returning, where you go back to complete "a goal/common set of objectives"

In All Goals, I also plan to be using the same method. However, it struck me that some people might not wish to do Level Returns and therefore to complete one house first, before moving to the next - therefore No Level Returns (NLR) comes into play.

Obviously between timing differences and route differences would be enough for it to have All Careers NLR and All Goals NLR to be their own category. What I am proposing is very similar to what another game within the community has, Have it so there is a variable for Level Returns and for No Level Returns for both of those categories.

I know that this suggestion might be out of the blue given the number of runners in this game, but suffice to say, that if this community grows, that this question will probably need to be dealt with down the line.

I hope that what I said has made sense has well. Obviously if anyone has any questions, either reply here or tag me in the community Discord :)

Happy Simming and sorry for the LONG Thread! ~ Wolfie


Hey Wolfstorm!

Thanks for the thoughts on the categories.

As I understand it, "Level Returns" is another way of saying backtracking. Like, not completing a goal until later when you go back to it. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Personally, I think the All Careers and All Goals rules are fine as they are, reason being that most of the time, simplicity is better. There are so many options for categories if we wanted to, which means we have to be really careful with the ones we actually do add.

I can see a situation happening where having backtracking is faster but then one day someone finds out it's actually faster to do everything without backtracking. That's a much more interesting situation to me with much more room for innovation within the category.

However, I am always open to arguments for and against, so you can maybe elaborate on some of the arguments for the addition of that parameter or if anyone else has anything to say about this matter, please do so! :)