Proposing a Minor Rule Change: A Note On Outdated Emulators
8 years ago

This is kinda something I've wanted to bring up for a while but I notice a lot of runs come in on emulator, and they all seem to use older builds of epsxe for some reason and this has been slowly starting to bug me more and more because old versions of epsxe don't emulate the darkness and fog effects correctly relative to the console version and relative to other more up to date emulators.

Top: Old version of epsxe Bottom: New version of epsxe

the top has this weird glow around the objects because it's not emulating something to do with how the game handles lighting properly, which grants much clearer visibility to the player in darker areas of the game (Silent Hill being what it is, this makes up like half the game) compared to someone playing on the official hardware.

It's a minor advantage, but since all that would need to be done to deal with it is just asking people to use an up-to-date build of epsxe, or use Bizhawk or something, I don't think it's asking too much that going forward we no longer accept runs done on emulators that don't emulate SH's lighting effects correctly.

tl;dr : I want to add a rule banning older versions of epsxe due to emulator inaccuracy. Newer builds and alternate emulators like Bizhawk are still fair game.


Following community discussion from the series mods and active runners on the community discord, the reception to this proposal seems mostly affirmative, so I've gone ahead and made the necessary changes:

This text was added to the rules of every category:

"As of January 27th, runs done on older builds of epsxe or any emulator that inaccurately emulates Silent Hill's lighting effects will no longer be accepted onto the boards.

See for a comparison:

Top: Older build of epsxe Bottom: Newer build of epsxe

If you are running on emulator, please make sure you're using an up to date version that emulates lighting correctly."


Following a bit more discussion, I've added a short list of emulators I can personally vouch for emulating Silent Hill 1 with accuracy to the console versions under default settings and will be accepted onto the boards:

epsxe 2.0 BizHawk Mednafen

Use one of these if you elect to run on emulator, other emulators will likely be rejected for emulation inaccuracies.


So, epsxe 2.0.0 AND 2.0.5 runs are allowed?

Since AT LEAST ePSXe 2.0.0 is allowed, I imagine that it's not necessary to have the latest version (2.0.5), right?

I only need to be above 1.9.0? I like to use 2.0.0 because of dchaps' SH_SRT v0.10, that does not work on 2.0.5.


Use epsxe 2.0.5 and not 2.0 for the exact reason of the script not actually being legal (or particularly fair to anyone on console) for runs. I'll edit the rules to make this clearer.

Use of "dchaps' SH_SRT v0.10" script to keep track of your enemy kills and item count for 10 star runs is not allowed because it's a severe, heavy advantage gained by literally reading the memory of the emulator that official hardware cannot do at all. The purpose of that script was for testing and experimentation, using it during runs is cheating and consequently runs done on epsxe MUST be using 2.0.5. Bizhawk and Mednafen are otherwise unaffected.


Considering that the script is not allowed (apparently, scripts are not allowed only AFTER YOU beat the record in this category that is considered the hardest)

It's interesting to notice that in the former record (Bawkbasoup) script was allowed (we can notice that when the timer stops when between doors). (in NG (Easy) / NG Good+ (Easy) AND UFO)

Particularly, I don't only run 10-Star, for which the script is used to keep track of enemies killed and stuff, what can we do about keeping track of time? (To see the IGT on Dchaps script)

Bawkbasoup got the UFO WR for 3 months and the use of the scripts (that show IGT in real time) were not questioned.

Punchy, I have nothing against you or any problem with you, but your attitude reagarding this new rule is totally out of context, since until 28 days ago Bawkbasoup HAD the WR on NG (Easy) and he USED the script to read the IGT in REAL TIME. I respect every moderator of this community, however, you're the least prepared on the Silent Hill 1 leaderboards.

I understand that the use of the script for 10-Star may be an advantage, but not allowing the use of the script to keep track of IGT is at least lack of sense, since a script that shows IGT doesn't affect anything on the gameplay itself (as I told you, I understand it may be an advantage on 10-Star, but not at the other categories.

That being said, I hope that there's a fair reformulation of the categories. Otherwise I'll take my runs off from here. After all, the script was used for weeks and nobody questioned. Only after YOU beat the time, you want to adjust the rules to your taste and I sincerly don't agree with that.


The timer scripts are fine. It's the killcount and item count that are not ok. Chill the fuck out.

" (apparently, scripts are not allowed only AFTER YOU beat the record in this category that is considered the hardest) "

who the hell considers ufo the hardest

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Is there an script (ASL) available that works on ePSXe 2.0.5?

I use dchaps' script to see the IGT on other categories (and to count kills and items on 10-Star). Once I use ths script do see IGT, how can I ignore the kill/item counter?

Eventually, if someone (or dchaps himself) create an script just to see IGT ON ePSXe 2.0.5, it's ok for me, since it's impossible not to look to the kill/item counter on Dchaps script when I play 10 Stars.

You guys have to agree with me, it's impossible to ignore that.


You said you created an .asl that works on ePSXE 2.0.5. Wouldn't it be the case of you gently grant it to us? I'm just ASKING that.


"Eventually, if someone (or dchaps himself) create an script just to see IGT ON ePSXe 2.0.5, it's ok for me, since it's impossible not to look to the kill/item counter on Dchaps script when I play 10 Stars."

I do agree with you, but that's an extremely compelling argument for banning emulator from 10 star, which I don't want to do because it basically entails nuking the category entirely due to its only runs being emulator, but that's very much a separate matter for the time being, I ought to make a seperate thread about that.


You guys are UNBELIEVABLE!


The script was used in categories that it's cheat abuse didn't matter hence it being used for weeks in other categories does not matter, you just need to get a new timer that doesn't show kills and items and whatnot that could be abused in 10 star. They will not be invalidated with it's removal because it did not give an advantage. I would almost say 2.0.0 should still be fine for non-10 star categories. However because the only reason you could have for having 2 emulators instead of just upgrading and getting a new timer that doesn't have the abuse, is because you want to use the cheat engine. So there's no legitimate reason to want 2.0.0 at all.

Although you literally admitted to using a cheat engine script in your 10 star runs which should be grounds enough to invalidate them and have them removed.


Considering literally all you've done is come in here, misunderstand a rule about scripts, insult me repeatedly as being the "least prepared" despite being the only mod of the board armed with some facts and comparisons and actual research on emulators on which to base a fair rule change for future accuracy of the board, question my motivation as wanting to enact a change following a world record (I honestly don't even get how this logically follows, this change doesn't make it any more likely that I'll keep records???) and not a move motivated by wanting greater emulator accuracy as something that's been bugging me for literally months now, forgive me if I'm incredibly unsympathetic to your complaints in this instance.

use epsxe 2.0.5 or bizhawk, don't use the killcount script because it's unfair to console, timer script is fine, I'll figure out what to do with 10 star in a later thread, probably. That's the long and short of it. If you don't like this, you're free to just not submit.


Clarifying how to get epsxe 2.0.5 to emulate Silent Hill properly:

If you are using epsxe 2.0.5 to emulate Silent Hill, use "ePSXe GPU Core 2.0.0" as your Video Plug-in, do NOT use "Pete's OpenGL" plug-in, it causes the same rendering issue. Default settings for the plug-in will produce the correct result, if you change your settings at some point, you can switch back to the default by clicking "Fast" under Default Settings in the bottom left of the plug-in configuration to set it back to default.

Your settings should look like this:

You can turn VSync on, if screen tearing is an issue for your setup.

Bizhawk and Mednafen do not use plug-ins and therefore do not require any tweaking.

Edited by the author 8 years ago
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Rule Change: IGT Must Be Shown For Emulator Runs

Going forward we will be requiring a visible IGT timer on submissions performed on emulator, using one of the IGT scripts available under the "Resources" tab for your emulator of choice. Most people already do this, but we're making it mandatory to make run verification easier. Thank you for your un

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