I was the original pioneer of Simple 2000 games. Here are my runs:
Pink Pong:
100% Hard: 1:11:06 (Japanese PS2) 100% Normal: 53:39 (PAL PS2) 100% Easy: 50:58 (PAL PS2)
Party Girls:
100%: 1:30:59 (Japanese PS2)
Radio Helicopter:
Zero to Champion: 1:13:16 (Japanese PS2)
New update!
Party Girls
100%: 33:56 (Japanese PS2)
Longest Path: 41:54 (Japanese PS2)
Edit: 100% was 33:09. Longest Path was 40:54. There were resets.
There are now six categories in Party Girls: 100% (Set 3 8 times) Middle Path (Set 1 8 times) and Longest Path (Set 2 8 times) and there are two variations of each: Cutscene Skips and Cutscenes (which doesn't do the skips).
My current PBs for each are:
100% CS: 30:15 MP CS: 39:28 LP CS: 40:54 100% C: 1:30:59 (My 1:27:38 has cutscene skips in it on the final minigame) MP C: 1:37:28 LP C: 1:52:02
BTW, I want to be a moderator for the Simple 2000 series so I can create this.
New speedgame! Simple 2000 Tennis Tour Mode. Variance by difficulty and number of sets: 1, 2/3, and 3/5. Maybe 1 game and 3 games can also be categories, but they're lame.
Anyway, my PB in Tour Mode 1 Set Hard: 2:32:03