Under 18min
7 years ago

Since I just found out, there seems to be no Mods at this webside, im going to post my full time trial run here. I realy messed up level 4-1 so it is for sure possible to do it under 18min ^^ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=o3DQjjpxog4

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Karateboy02 likes this
Alabama, USA

Gotta get the video up on YouTube but just got 18:28.81 ;) I’ll post a link as soon as I have it up. Under 18 is for sure possible.

Alabama, USA

I watched your full run while verifying it and man was I doing a couple of levels really wrong. From your video in just 2 levels I’ve found almost 20 seconds of time saves so that sub 18 time is coming as soon as I can quit dying in stupid places lol


Hehe I was wondering why you didn't us them on your new run. Concrats by the way! I even found some more places to save time like the 2nd and 3rd boss lvl or the bonus lava level, but they are all super hard to pull of and I probably would not be able to do it while doing a full run.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Alabama, USA

Just destroyed sub 18 with a 17:16.03! I hope to have a video up shortly.

Alabama, USA

Just got it posted on the leaderboard :)


Congratulations my friend. I would not be able to pull of a run like this in a century (with 0 deaths holy moly!). Since i saw the full video I think there is a sub 17 min possible (didn't count the seconds lol). I'm planing to do a video to show, where you could still save time, but it'll probably take me a few days. I just hope you keep up the speedruning ^^

Alabama, USA

First of all you could absolutely do a run just as good and better even. It’s all about practicing the different skips and getting your movements down. Second I know of a couple places I could take off a little time but not even close to enough to make a sub 17. Put up some videos and show where I could gain some more time because I’d love to take a crack at it.


Thanks for the encouraging words, but I simply don't have the time to do any better. Anyway here are your sub 17 min skips ^^ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0LpOokFyKUA I didn't put every thing there could be done better in this video, just the ones you probably didn't know.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Alabama, USA

That’s awesome! Haven’t counted but just looking at it that might make a sub 17 possible. I’ll probably see if I can practice those and put them into my runs. After watching that it just confirms that you could for sure take the record.

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