Time saver in Ice 2
5 years ago
Georgia, USA

There is a time save in Ice Dungeon Level 2 that i'm not sure people have knew about. At the 6 icicles with the key in the middle, you can do a small jump that fall of the platform while collecting the key. Please tell me if people knew about this or not and show me a video with the time save pls.

Leka likes this

Cool idea I tested it a few times, but I didn't get it to work. It would probably save about a second, since you wouldn't need to turn around and wait for the icicles to drop down, but it seems rather inconsisten. If you miss it you would loose more time than you gain, an in the worst case even die... The same trick works in Ice level 6, were you also can grab the key from below without landing on the platform, plus you are still save if you miss it (but it's also not as big of a time save if you get it...) In conclusion: if you're consistantly able to get it, it's a good time save, but I gess it will rather be a cool single Level WR

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Georgia, USA

thx Leka

Ontario, Canada

I got it to work a total of 1 time, and that was without the icicles since I failed the first slide through xD

But yeah I agree with Leka :P

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