Any more strats?
7 years ago
Queensland, Australia

Is there any more important tricks that I'm missing (this is mostly directed at evilrok or solidsnake).

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Rhône-Alpes, France

You can improve you trajectories and anticipate more, check my video : It has fails within but I did'nt want to use a software so I uploaded it directly, but all my best ways are here, it's not best timings and trajectories but it gives an idea

Rhône-Alpes, France

There’s a new strategy on the first level I let you check this

Rhône-Alpes, France

I also found a secret strat but I won't show it for the moment to keep some suspense a'd to let you find it by yourself. Will show it one day tho

Rhône-Alpes, France

Found a new way on lv3 grass, and new on lv10, hence my new time Can be improved tho

Rhône-Alpes, France

Ok didn't run for a while but I confirm that 1:07:xx is possible. My soB must be like 1:06:xx, so with perfect ways and a good exec it's ok


I was just now looking for levels where you could use the new invicibility-start glitch and ended up finding this:

It is verry inconsistent, but it would be amazing if someone used it in an actual run!

greyli and LeRemiii like this
South Holland, Netherlands

Hmmm I’ll try that, that dungeon was in my opinion already the most difficult one though :(

The_AppleMan likes this

If anyone wants do beat the current water dungen record, there you go: It's not pefectly executed, and maybe there is a better or saver way to do the circle skip, but I just wanted to get the idea out there^^

Ontario, Canada

Just gonna put out this sand 7 skip that saves ~2 seconds, since I'm too inconsistent at the level 8 skip to contend for wr, so if anyone wants to try for it, good luck :)

Ontario, Canada

Just found this today, saves a full cycle on Fire 3. Good luck to wr contenders :P

Flip_drr likes this
North Carolina, USA Don't know if I'm the first one, but I think I found a new strat on grass 8 but might not save much time if any I used a mod to slow down the movement so I could pull it off cuz I'm bad but should be doable in rta Interested on if it saves any time tho ( Also this should be doable without stopping and moving back before the jump, but I had to stop to slow down the game) Here is a pic showing the comparison Red line is old strat, blue is new strat

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Ontario, Canada

Yep that's been known about already, it does indeed save time but it's inconsistent so we go with the alternative strat which is used in my current grass wr and many other former ones too. If the alternative strat saves/loses time compared to this one we haven't done a formal test, so who knows.

North Carolina, USA

I'm looking for a lot of strata so I might be posting here more often, anyway was it known that this key grab on lvl 5 was doable? It's fairly hard to pull off but def doable in real time ( It saves time by not hitting the platform where the key is and keeps momentum compared to IL wr)

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Ontario, Canada

That looks tight, but it wouldn't save enough time to reset to since you're only going in as little as you can lol

Rhône-Alpes, France

well i mean it wouldnt save more than a low jump landing on the block under the key but hitting the key as early as possible, the difference with lv2 is that on lv2 youre avoiding to get stuck against the wall, here theres nothing different

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