New to the game with the re release
3 years ago
Manitoba, Canada


I’m a new speed runner and a friend of mine and I are looking at getting into the coop run and potential solo runs but wondering if there is going to be a split for the new versions of the game and if there is a discord or anything to share stuff in?

Ohio, USA


I have currently requested for a new leaderboard with for the "complete edition" I have been checking it regularly for days now, with no change still. We are hoping to have it so "complete edition" will have it's own leaderboard since it technically is a new "version" of the game.

As far as a discord goes, I will have to look into that one going forward.

I expect the speedrun community for this game will grow quite a lot soon, with this new release.

I will do my best to keep everyone posted on any new developments going forward.


GrootKicker, Panthur and 4 others like this
Manitoba, Canada


Yeah I played the game super casually when it was on xbl but have been looking for a game to speed run, when this game came out a buddy of mine was all up for the idea of co op runs. Just have to get the game beaten and level up the stats and start having fun.


Thanks for the heads-up, WB! Much appreciated.

Meanwhile, I'll get my runs ready! :D

Nevada, USA

If the "complete edition" of the game is not granted a new board, you could always make a secondary board (I.E. a seperate category) on this leaderboard. Thus, both games could be represented on this page without jeopardizing the integrity of the original. Just a thought :P

GrootKicker, Krayzar and 2 others like this

@JSR_ From what I've heard, the Complete Edition board has been discussed for a while with staff. So it seems to be a matter of "when" rather than "if". :)


@WolfBladeEJ89 I'd be down to help with the Discord if needed :)

Missouri, USA

I'm excited to join this speed run community and get some runs in myself .

Demons and Panthur like this

I haven't got the complete edition but I noticed from a video on Youtube that the credits sequence can be skipped (unsure if Xbox360/PS3 had this on the Wallace build, definitely not vanilla/Knives Chau build). Can end of level cutscenes be skipped 'normally'.

I have got clips of the original version and trying to make a mini PSA like video about the changes to educate the new audience.

Mesa, AZ, USA

There is a lot of differences between Complete and OG including even codes for in game cheats. I personally requested a new game board for Complete as there is a lot of different exploits I am already finding. I ran this game offline a lot before release of complete and I am noticing some differences.


@AkibaMomoro Have you come across the Twins glitch yet? Seems like for every twins fight I've had thus far, I was able to move before the fight started, and thus was able to kill them the second the fight "officially" started.

Toronto, ON, Canada

Hey everyone!

The Complete Edition community would love to see you guys run the game again! Please consider it!

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