I'm having a bit of struggle learning to Bhop and I wanted to ask if some of the more experienced runners had recommendations for the best FPS settings? 30 vs 60 vs 144. What would be the best and easiest option to learn it?
Just searching for "FPS" in the discord, what it seems most people that cap their FPS set it to is 60-100. I will say that I've actually not done it personally, so I don't know exactly how the feel changes
I'd recommend joining the discord if you haven't already btw, there's a link in the sidebar!
I pretty much always do 60, anything over 100 is a no-go for me.
There is different software to help cap your FPS, if you have a Nvidia card you can do it straight from the control panel by selecting the .exe file and choose. Otherwise I recommend what Klagarn says, its not a super discussed topic so I'm not very well-versed on it. Joining the discord can help getting more PoV's as more people are active there!